I write because I am concerned that gay advocates are vocal and articulate in their promotion of gay marriage, while the church is pathetically silent. I commend all Christians who care enough and dare enough to speak God’s truth in love. Here are some reasons why I oppose homosexuality and gay marriage. I know several homosexuals and see them as people who are just as valuable as anyone else. I accept them just as I accept a friend of mine who gambles or cheats on his wife, but that does not mean that I accept or tolerate his behaviour, nor theirs.
1. The “slippery slope” argument has been derided by supporters of gay marriage as a scare tactic. However, reality is cold and hard. The argument of “equal rights”, “basic human rights”and “fairness” used for gay marriage means that any persons can marry in any agreed arrangement: polygamy, polyandry, polyamory, incest and pedophilia. Should these militant groups then be allowed to marry? If marriage evolves to mean anything, then it devolves to mean nothing.
Polyamory is several people of one or both sexes married to each other. A simple web search will reveal that this is a thriving and rapidly spreading belief (see attachment of North Atlantic Star news magazine). So three men and five women should be able to wed each other and call it a marriage. Polyamorists see the successes of LGBT (Lesbians Gays Bisexual and Transgendered), especially as regards gay marriage, as a paved pathway to their successful day in court. Television, especially premier channels, have promoted lesbianism, homosexuality, and transgenderism for years, and have reshaped the values of modern society. Showtime has been running a reality show, Polyamory: Married and Dating, for the last year, and audiences are loving it.
“A three-way civic union between a man and two women sparked outrage in Brazil in August, with one lawyer telling the BBC that it was “something completely unacceptable, which goes against Brazilian values and morals.” (Atlantic Black Star).
Remember what was scorned and described as perversion and deviance a few years ago is now seen as wholesome, loving, beautiful, natural.“On 1 January 2009, Sweden removed sadomasochism, fetishism, transvestism, fetishistic transvestitism, multiple disorders of sexual preferences and gender identity disorder in youth from its national classification of diseases. ReviseF65 is a committee that is working to get sexual sadism, masochism, fetishism and transvestic fetishism abolished from the World Health Organization’s list of psychiatric diagnoses, ICD” (Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia).
Just about four years ago there was a fight to lower the age of consent to twelve on the tiny Dutch island of St. Eustatius. Is it hard to see that legalized pedophilia will soon allow adults to marry children? The efforts of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) should be taken seriously. They too will have their successful day in court with the support of the American Association of Psychology and sundry.
“Incest will never be accepted in society.” Oh really? Incest is now a hot item on HBO’s Game Of Thrones series. According to the Dailey Beast magazine, audiences and critics want more complex characters – good people who do bad things for good reasons. Psychology Today magazine on January 29, 2012 wrote, ‘In Game of Thrones, we witness brother and sister sexuality so often and explicitly that it almost desensitizes us to its distorted nature. Fans have even nicknamed their relationship, “twincest,” giving it an identity that, in some ways, seems to normalize it.”
“With that said, I was disturbed by a video that recently went viral showing a high school prank in Minnesota. Team captains were blindfolded and told they would be kissing their “special someone,” only to find out that secret partner was either their mom or dad. Clearly a hazing gone haywire – but sanctioned by the parents and school – it reveals the casualness with which incest is being taken these days. What next, a reality show? A video game?”
My point? Our acceptance of immoral behaviour leads to acceptance of other unthinkable forms of immoral behaviour. Yesterday gay marriage was unthinkable. Today it is celebrated. Today incest, pedophilia, bestiality are unthinkable. Tomorrow…
2.The human spirit can develop an appetite for almost anything, therefore exposure and experimentation are key factors/considerations in understanding this issue. Thanks to TV, internet and music people are developing an unprecedented interest in bizarre behaviours like cannibalism, incest, human feces, necrophila, ad infinitum. I have known of men who have had so many sexual encounters with women (a former convert shared how he had slept with over 100 women) that boredom led to experimentation with homosexuality. The LGBT crowd’s argument that people’s tastes and preferences are to be respected sounds progressive but is actually simplistic and dangerous.
3.Natural does not mean right. I believe that homosexuality is not genetic. But even if science could show that some people are “born that way”, it still would not make it acceptable. Apotemnophiliais a strange disorder in which the individual feels a deep compulsion to have a limb amputated. “Though some recent high-profile cases have captured the media’s attention, apotemnophilia is not a new disorder. Medical experts have reported cases of amputation obsession since the 1860s, said Richard Bruno, a New Jersey psychophysiologist who specializes in brain-body disorders and is one of the few people in the world who have extensively studied apotemnophilia” (By Randy Dotinga.HealthScout).
“Kleptomania is the irresistible urge to steal items that you generally don’t really need and that usually have little value. Kleptomania (klep-toe-MAY-knee-uh) is a serious mental health disorder that can cause much emotional pain to you and your loved ones if not treated.
Kleptomania is a type of impulse control disorder — a disorder in which you can’t resist the temptation or drive to perform an act that’s harmful to you or someone else.Many people with kleptomania live lives of secret shame because they’re afraid to seek mental health treatment. Although there’s no cure for kleptomania, treatment with medication or psychotherapy may be able to help end the cycle of compulsive stealing (Mayo Clinic.com).
Should we argue that because of the fact that apotemnophila, kleptomania, psychopathy and other disorders are natural,that society must show tolerance towards such behavior accept them and award equal rights? Which sane person would? But then, strange things have happened.
4. The Bible is the authority on truth – on what is right and what is wrong. It also comprehensively addresses human behavior and nature. The doctrine of sin, harmiatology, condemns all sexual sins including homosexuality. So even if scientists could prove a predisposition to homosexuality, the teaching that the Fall corrupted and perverted humanity in countless ways makes homosexuality, even in that light, a perversion that requires forgiveness and deliverance.
I will continue next week, the Lord willing. That article will address the persecution that has already begun (in England, Sweden, Canada, to name but a few) of those who dare to speak out against homosexuality, the health risks that are related to sexual behaviour, but especially homosexual behaviour, and clear Biblical teaching against this lifestyle.
Editor’s note:
The views expressed in the above article are those of Pastor Philip Gumbs and not necessarily those of The Anguillian.