Through this medium, I would like to sincerely thank two persons who found interest in my April 5th article on same-sex marriage and the whole subject of homosexuality. Their responses in the April 12th issue of The Anguillian are highly appreciated. I also wish to credit Ms. Yolanda Gumbs, a devout Catholic, who contributed a fine response to my piece on the celibacy of Catholic priests. All three respondents made their views clear, and I now take this opportunity to respond, with thanks to The Anguillian for affording me the privilege to do so.
First, to those who reacted to the article on gays, let me say that I was indeed expecting such a response. Anyone who speaks out directly and to-the-point on these issues must be prepared to be the unpopular target of ridicule. I have come to realize long ago that when one critically addresses subjects like these, he or she is running the risk of being negatively criticized. But, indeed, I wholeheartedly welcome the flack. The fact is that our society, with all of its vices and ungodly flaws, becomes very uncomfortable and defensive when people stand up for righteousness and decry wrong for God’s sake. So with a certain sense of empathy, for the liberal and secular-minded, I declare that I do understand your reaction.
Still setting the stage for my rebuttal, though, I’d like to say that, in my view, people tend to care less about what God thinks on these sensitive subjects. Whether the issue is on gays and same-sex marriage, adultery and fornication, gambling, the proliferation of guns, crime and violence, or any other sort of corruption, people simply choose to leave God out of the equation. They generally think that what He has to say does not really matter – that His views are so antiquated and irrelevant, they bear no significance on the affairs of hardhearted man. As long as they satisfy their urges to live as they please, God can stay out of the picture.
However, as a mouthpiece of this sovereign God, I – and anyone like me endowed with a passion for upholding the principles of righteousness – must sound forth the warning that if we, as a society, reject the voice of God or His rulings on these subjects, then His punitive wrath will be meted out in judgment against us. Simply put, that’s the way it is. As the modern familiar saying goes, “it is what it is”. Yes, God will ultimately conduct judgment. And since I know this for sure, it is my responsibility to play a role in cautioning folk out of a heart of concern for their spiritual wellbeing. That being said, I would like to quote the very last sentence from my April 5th article and resoundingly state again, “Unless they relent, like Ken it would be just a matter of time.”
The manner in which the respondent Light and Peace presented his or her contribution entitled “Shame”, gives one the impression that I hate gays. But nothing is further from the truth. To cite the writer, “It was astonishing, on two counts, to read such a bigoted, hate-inducing, Old-Testament diatribe, written by someone who professes to be a Christian leader.” Well, let me declare that my being a Christian leader should in no way obscure the fact that this Jesus, whom the respondent rightfully claims to be “compassionate, forgiving and understanding,” is this same Jesus who will, one day soon, actually conduct an imminent judgment on gays, lesbians, the entire GLBT lot, and all others who, in one way or another, trample upon His love to freely live as they “choose”.
And just in case the respondent really thinks that I am bigoted and hate-inducing, and if he or she really finds that I am an Old-Testament diatribe, then here is what the New-Testament says about this Jesus who, up until now, is still so loving and compassionate. In Acts Chapter 17 and verse 11 the Bible clearly states: “He (God) has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man (Jesus) whom He has ordained.” Jesus will judge the world by a standard of righteousness. That’s the criteria – nothing else.
Yes, it is because I really love gays, lesbians and same-sex couples, as Christ expects me to, why I am seriously warning them. Their sexual orientations are offensive to a holy, sovereign God who will indeed bring retribution through His son, Jesus Christ, whom He has ordained as the one who will judge the world. To be earnest, I genuinely love gays and lesbians with the love of God. But, like Him, I do detest their homosexual lifestyles.
Whether Light and Peace believes this or not does not negate the facts. Judgment is coming upon this world and if homosexuals wish to escape the wrath to come, then they must repent now. It is just a matter of time. I fail not to warn against it. And I would “go out on a limb” to do so, because it is my Christian duty.
Look! If I knew that a silent time-bomb had been maliciously set in my neighbor’s house, it would be my moral responsibility to warn the occupants of the home to escape immediately. Is that a matter of me not loving them? No! On the contrary, it is because I do love them that I warn them with haste. It is the same way I would warn lesbians and gays – with urgency. I can’t be timid about warning them. I can’t waste time in warning them. I can’t be “nice and slow” about it. I must do it quickly, and I must do it now, for time is of essence. Tough love! It has nothing at all to do with any of my bigotry or hate. Rather, it is because I am concerned and because I duly care.
The other respondent, whose name was withheld, sought to justify the existence of homosexuals by scientific proofs. I do believe in science to some extent, yes, but the science of Darwin’s theory of evolution, for example, also states that man evolved throughout history from the likeness of an ape. Do I believe that? Absolutely not! I uphold the truths of God’s creation according to my faith in the Genesis account.
But it is the likes of those who subscribe to this unfounded “theory of evolution” who would also support the scientific theory that “gays are born”. Again, I still hold fast to my conviction that homosexuality is a “chosen lifestyle”. But, if the respondent feels justified in thinking that gays are born, then God demands that they must be “born again”. It was that same loving Jesus who once said to a conceited Jewish ruler: “You must be born again”. And that is the message that I purport for all mankind, whether “gays” or “straights”.
This responder appeared to be offended because I referred to gays as “homos”. Well, it does not take an intellectual to explain that the prefix “homo” means “the same”, as in “same-sex” or “homo-sex” from which we get “homo-sexual”. Even pupils in elementary school learn about “homophones”: words with the same sound but different meaning; or the adjective “homogenous”: being of the same in nature or kind. When I therefore call of gays “homos”, it only serves as a means of varying my writing pattern – it’s nothing derogative or offensive. And the dedicated editor, whom the responder seems to blame for “allowing my language to make it through the editing process,” fully knew of my intent in using such a term.
Further, this respondent seems to bewail the fact that I referred to gays as “reprobates”. Well, just in case he or she does not know, as a minister of God I am only utilizing the language which God allowed the Apostle Paul to use in his description of gays and lesbians some 2000 years ago. He referred to them as having a reprobate nature – long before I did.
Listen to what he said in Romans 1 from the “old” King James version to which I duly subscribe: “For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness…because when they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened…therefore, God gave them over to uncleanliness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies among themselves… for this cause God gave them up to vile affections. For even the women did change their natural use into that which is against nature (i.e., lesbianism) and likewise the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lusts one toward another, men with men (i.e., gays) working that which is unseemly…
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, “God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” Hey! How inconvenient it must be for a man to have sex with another man; or how inconvenient it must be for a woman to carry out any fulfilling sexual activity with another woman. How “inconvenient!”. Man, according to Paul, they gotta to be “reprobate”.
And just in case the other respondent thinks that Leviticus 18:22, which states “Thou shall not lie with mankind as with woman kind because it is an abomination,” is some old, antiquated law of the Old-Testament, I’d like to emphasize that what I just quoted above from Paul is not Old-Testament jargon, but “New”. And it is just as timely, relevant and modern for application in this age as it has always been. I don’t intend to play God nor Paul. No, God forbid! But neither do I intend to make any apologies for my language when I refer to gays as “reprobate”, for Scripture sanctions it. They have “debased” themselves.
“Tough love”! Homosexuals and my responding friends need to wake up to the reality and be cognizant about what a sovereign, holy God thinks about gay and lesbian lifestyles and same-sex marriage. And we, ministers of God, must continue to make every effort to let them know that God’s impending judgment is near, whether they are in Anguilla, in America or further afield. Besides, as long as we remain determined to be faithful to God’s cause for righteousness, we will never ever change our stance on the subject. No flip-flopping!
With regard to Yolanda’s response on the celibacy issue, she wrote: “What happens if the policy is changed to marriage, and the priests are still not holy, and (still continue) to have sex with young boys.” Well, I am indeed a strong advocate for holiness against all vices, not just this one. I believe all priests, parsons, pastors and preachers must, in the fear of God, exhibit characteristics of holiness on all fronts. But there is an adage which advises, “If you keep on doing the same thing the same way, then you will get the same result.” The environment and the conditions under which Catholic priests function, without a wife, contribute much to their sexual temptations.
There is no guarantee that changing the policy on celibacy will entirely eradicate the problem of priests interfering with boys sexually, but I am sure that a change in that direction will make a significant impact on this longstanding scourge.
The crafters of the policy for the celibacy of priests would have had their reasons for devising this doctrine. But God knows why He said it is not good for man to be alone. So He, in His incomparable wisdom, made woman to be man’s companion to, among other things, satisfy his sexual urges. The concept of man and woman has been always in God’s design for human sexual fulfillment – not priests and boys; not man and man; not woman and woman. Evidently, anything that alters God’s design breathes trouble.
Again, let me say that I appreciate the responses, and I would be willing to amiably discuss the issues with my respondents, or anyone else, in a face-to-face setting. Thank you for your interest; and thanks for reading.
Editor’s note:
The views expressed in the above article are those of Pastor James harrigan and not necessarily those of The Anguillian.