Except for some interrupting, but welcoming, rain on the first day of the Sixth Annual Festival Del Mar at the Easter weekend, the various cultural activities went very well and provided a good deal of attraction for locals and tourists alike.
The entire bay front at Island Harbour was a picturesque scene of activity. Several hundred people patronised the food stalls and were caught up in the celebration of the seafaring lives and culture not only of the residents in the fishing village hosting the event, but other fishermen, boatmen and culture-bearers from all over the island as well.
Director of Tourism, Mrs. Candis Niles, gave her thoughts and assessment of Festival Del Mar on Tuesday this week. “I think it was very successful again this year,” she stated. “There was a great mix of locals and visitors. The weather did not fully cooperate but it didn’t dampen the spirits of the people. All in all, we think it showcased the best of what makes us Anguillian: the music, the food and the people. We believe the festival will continue to grow from strength to strength because it brings together three key elements of the Anguillian experience.
“It gives tourists an opportunity to actually experience our culture in a way that they would not otherwise be able to do normally. They were able to see a lot of our traditions in action like boat-racing and fishing – part of our heritage and culture. They also had an opportunity to hear our local string band music which tells its own story; and then they had a chance to interact with the people of the island. Our warmth and friendliness is authentic and legendary, making our visitors feel they are part of our community during the festival.”
The Chairman of the Festival Del Mar Organising Committee, OthlynVanterpool, commented: “In spite of the rain which came on the first day, the festival worked out pretty well. I think that the Sunday made up for all that did not come through on the Saturday. The folks came out and participated very well.
“The Committee is pleased about the success of the event and wishes to thank all for their support and participation. We have had quite a number of repeat tourists and someone from one of the hotels called me saying that they had sent some guests there who reported that it was very good and they enjoyed themselves. A lot of tourists who were at the event last year returned to the island for the occasion. A number of Anguillians who were living abroad for a long time booked their vacation in order to be home for the function.
“I am grateful to all those on the Committee for their work, and all other persons and organisations for their support in celebration of our cultural heritage.”
The results of the various competitions held as part of Festival Del Mar are:
2013 Festival Del Mar Results
Kiddies Fishing
Biggest fish Cohlzie Webster
(Third year in a row)
Heaviest over all weight Cohlzie Webster
(For the third year in a row)
3rd Ricoldo Fabian
4th Terrel Smith
5th Keishana Harrigan
6th Shaheim Proctor
1st Eduardo Carty
2nd Clorone Rogers
3rd Geral Smith & Komo Hodge
4th Matthis Pemberton
5th Hassani Hennis
Sunfish competition
1st Too hot to handle (Luther H Bryan)
2nd Dirty Diana (Claron Rogers)
3rd Unstoppable (Ciana)
4th Blue Runner (Jamal)
Swimming Youth Race
1st Kareem Webster
2nd Matthis Pemberton
3rd Kyrin Webster
4th Edwardo Carty
5th Romequie Webster
Adult Swimming relay to Scilly Cay and back
1st Justin Haynes & Billy Haynes
2nd Johvie Martin & Jevohn Martin (Brothers)
3rd Angela Taylor & Rechel Atherton
4th Akio Lloyd & Nicole Santo
5th Thersa Dowling & Rolando Nias
6th Reggie Oliver & Mia Fraling
Culinary Competition
Best Seafood soup Keith Harrigan
Best Seafood Salad Keith Harrigan
Best Fish any style Elsa Brooks
Best Shell Fish Keith Fabian
Most innovative Seafood dish and top chef of Festival Del Mar Vivia Henry (Island Harbour Care Centre)
A Class Boat Race (Elliot Webster Memorial Race)
1st De Tree
2nd Stinger
3rd Real Deal;
4th Sonic
Deep sea Fishing
1st Biggest individual fish (25 lbs) Special K
1st Heaviest overall catch
(622 lbs) Jet Blue
2nd place in Mahi Mahi
(67 lbs) Natalie K (SXM)
1st place in pelagic (25 lbs) Special K
1st place for Mahi Mahi – Jet Blue
Bottom Fishing
1st Sea Anguilla (128 lbs) Naboth Richardson
2nd Money’s Worth
(Christ Sutton and Hayden Bryan)