A group of persons from the Island Harbour Community, spearheaded by Ms. Atrene Pemberton, held a Class’B’ Boat Race on Sunday 14th April 2013.
All proceeds went to the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School Kitchen Project. Six boats started the race, with five finishing.
Results were as follow:
First place – De Storm
Second Place – Alma Gloria
Third Place – De Hurricane
Fourth Place- F5 Tornado
Fifth Place – Legal Rights
The first three positions were awarded trophies.
The organisers wish to thank all persons and businesses who contributed to this worthy cause.
Special thanks to the captains and their crew who willingly took part. It is expected to be an annual event. The Principal, Tracelyn Hamilton, on behalf of the staff, parents and pupils, expressed gratitude to the organisers for their thoughtfulness and goodwill.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)