For some reason my article last week drew a lot of attention. I suspect that it had to do with the catchy biblical reference that I used in the context of the prayer vigil held in Coronation Park. While I certainly appreciate the comments that I received, I sincerely hope that the serious concerns contained in my presentation do not get lost in the humourous exaggerations that it also evokes. Reactions ranged from comedy routines to deep theological analyses. The comments came “fast and furious” and from some of the most unusual and unlikely places. And I got the distinct impression that I was not alone in my discomfort with such rituals. In fact, my views seem tame when compared to those expressed by a number of my readers.
But, perhaps, the comment I received from a young man (i.e. less than thirty years old) is the one I would most like to share with my readers. When I made the statement at the end of my article, that “like the Eunuch of Ethiopia I needed guidance”, I was implying that I was having difficulty in interpreting the biblical reference to “spiritual wickedness in high places” to which a Pastor had directed me. This young man suggested to me that there is also a biblical alternative to the anointing oils, the bracelets and the “hook stick” which the Kenyan Minister had utilized in his ceremony. He said to me that it was important that I mention it in my article this week, especially, for those persons who were most uncomfortable with the behaviour in Coronation Park on the evening of March 14, 2013. I have decided to do more than simply give you the reference — I will actually quote the verse of scripture from II Chronicles, chapter 7, verse 14, as follows: “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn away from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
This young man’s sentiments are an “echo” of the views of many of the men and women with whom I have spoken over the weekend, namely, we do not need to import a person to lead the nation in prayer. They also declared that the answer to our problems begins with “humbling ourselves” in prayer to Almighty God. In other words, we do not require symbols and oils — it is about an attitude of humility and civility before God.
It is not my intention to transform my column into a sermon or a theological discourse — I do not pretend to be qualified for either. Nor do I wish to engage or compete with DJ Iwandai and be the print version of his morning spiritual conversations on Upbeat Radio. Even though we went to Sunday School together at Ebenezer Methodist Church, some fifty years, I must confess that I lack the impertinence required to impersonate a preacher. But I have heard that my dear friend can be most prolific in his morning expositions. It has also been reported to me that on several occasions I may have been the TEXT of a number of his meditations. Hopefully, it has assisted him in winning souls for the right causes. For my part, I simply want to make it clear that while I will continue to use biblical references to point out the hypocrisy of many of the actions of the CM and his Government — I will not act like the Pharisees caught up in their own self-righteousness and unable to distinguish between their own political agenda and what God ordained for his people. I would like to suggest that this all has a familiar ring to it.
Speaking of political agendas, you may have heard that a delegation of the Anguilla United Front (AUF) will be travelling to the UK in early April. The purpose of the trip is to visit the Anguillian Diaspora living in the UK, particularly in Slough, as well as to pay official calls on the Member of Parliament for Slough and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). This is a part of the AUF strategy to remain engaged as a Party both in terms of Anguillians at home and abroad as well as with Agencies like the FCO that play a critical role in our development. Our visit to the UK, for the most part, should be considered in a similar vein to that of a visit to other Anguillian migration centers like St. Maarten-St Martin or St Thomas – with the only difference being that the UK Government has a direct function in our administrative arrangements.
It is a part of the AUF’s philosophy that the existence of Anguilla as a nation would not have been possible without the deliberate decision of some of its people to migrate to various other places and climes. In this sense we believe that those who travelled abroad are just as important as those who stayed at home. In effect, it was a deliberate strategy for family and community survival. Advances in Information, Communication and Travel technologies, as well as improved constitutional arrangements in this modern period, have brought those migrants, their families and their descendants even closer and more integrated into the political and economic process in Anguilla. It therefore behooves any serious political organization, that hopes to adequately represent Anguilla, to be fully acquainted and in tune with the goals and aspirations of those Anguillians living abroad. Furthermore, any serious political organization must also recognize that there is a sharp learning curve between the political campaign and becoming the duly elected Government — it must therefore be able to hit the ground running fully conversant with the issues and the processes to be an effective Administration on Day One.
Indeed, this strategy is in keeping with Section 6 (Nation Building, Governance etc.) of the “AUF Manifesto 2010-2015 & Beyond”. Here the specific Principal Strategic Objective on page 41 reads: “4. The return of Anguillians living abroad to live, work and retire in Anguilla.” And the Programme Priority associated with that objective, on page 42, reads: “The creation of a well-structured programme with incentives and concessions to attract and facilitate Anguillians abroad to return and take up residence permanently in Anguilla.” In addition, this visit has been a part of the AUF’s work plan since the 2010 Party Convention.
I have taken the time to make these points because, on hearing about the AUF’s visit to the UK, the Chief Minister immediately began his propaganda and conspiracy theories. He claimed that we were invited by the FCO. He claimed that it was leaked out to him that it was a plan by the British to undermine his Government. It has been intimated that the British Government is financing the entire trip and that the Governor is involved in the arrangements. Every statement that the Chief Minister has made or intimated in connection with this visit is in keeping with his usual campaign of lies and misinformation.
Firstly, the AUF is funding this entire trip from its own resources at great expense to the Members of the Party. Secondly, the FCO and the Governor did not invite us, nor were they aware of our visit until plans were far advanced. As a matter of fact the Chief Minister heard about our visit before the Governor. Thirdly, the Anguillian organizations in Slough and the Anguilla Representative in the UK (Ms. Dorothea Hodge) are organizing our meetings based on our request for their assistance. The FCO is not involved in the process. And, finally, we have not yet released the official composition of our delegation to anyone up to this time of writing.
However, in the interest of transparency, let me release the last correspondence from our UK Representative, Ms. Dorothea Hodge, which may be very instructive. It reads as follows:
“Hi Fritz, Hope you are well! Just to confirm for the avoidance of any doubt that I think that I need to clarify the role of the UK representative, which I know I did in the meeting with the AUF, but for those who were not there I feel that it should be done again. The UK / EU representative role is a formal appointment by the Government of an overseas territory, of an individual who in essence becomes the “head of mission” and runs a representative office in London, and this status is enshrined in statute (Law) in the UK. The role is to represent the elected Overseas Territory Government (which ever political party is elected) under instruction from that Government. Anguilla was until recently the only Caribbean Territory without an office in London. Although (due to budgetary constraints) our operation is tiny in comparison to our peers, our work is guided by standards, and here is where it is important to be clear with everyone about the role of the office regarding this visit. As you all know we, with incredible volunteers from the community, try to provide, with v.v. limited capacity, a consular service to Anguillans, coming to England (the EU), visitors travelling to Anguilla, and engage with the local community, through meetings, newsletters etc.. However offices are politically neutral. Offices represent the elected government whichever party is elected.
I have therefore followed protocol and sought and received the permission of the elected Chief Minister for our office to assist in setting up the two meetings as requested by the Leader of the Opposition. I thought it was important to state this so this is clear to all. As I understand it from Fritz and Robert, the local community meetings are already well planned and in hand. On to our actions, I can confirm that we have a confirmed time for the delegation to meet with the FCO between 11-14:00 on the 12th of April, and we are awaiting confirmation of a meeting time with the office of the MP for Slough on the same date. It would be great if Fritz you could confirm the best time for the meeting on that day. It will be an hour. N.B. we also spend a considerable time in pre-briefing Anguillan delegations who come to the UK to ensure they are up to speed on issues so you will require at least an hour before the meeting to discuss the outline and issues. We will also need to get an outline from you on the issues you would like to discuss and if you have any accompanying briefing papers for either the FCO or the MPs office I would be grateful if you could forward them to ensure we are able to set a detailed annotated agenda for each meeting. Can you also confirm the full names of attendees and ensure that everyone is cognisant that they may be required to provide ID for either of these meetings, depending on the current state of alert in Westminster. We will come back to the delegation with further details and briefings nearer the date. I’ve copied to my colleague Nisha who supports us part-time. Please do let her have your flight details etc if you would like us to facilitate any accommodation or logistics during your stay. And my advice is wrap up warmly. It’s still freezing cold out here! Every blessing! Dorothea.
I thought that it would be important that you all understand the professional manner in which the AUF operates. This approach represents good governance — which must become second nature in or out of Government. Not only is the UK Representative appointed by the Chief Minister involved in the arrangements, but he is as well. They could not have taken place without the CM’s approval and we are grateful for his support. And you will notice that our arrangements are being made independent of the Governor’s Office or the British Government.
Despite having presented all this evidence, regarding the transparency of our arrangements, I am confident that even in this Easter season it will not prevent the construction of further conspiracy theories and blatant denial of the truth many times over — like Peter on that first Good Friday morning. Figuratively speaking, even before the cock crow twice!