Rene Harrigan of East End, now back home after thirteen years in the United Kingdom, is continuing to pursue opportunities in Anguilla and elsewhere to undertake freelance work in car, home and boat design. His intention is to establish his own business in a profession in which he holds a university degree and hopes to further his studies later on.
Rene, who is the last son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenneth Harrigan of East End, has spent a substantial portion of his life in England where he studied Industrial Design and 3D AutoCad Design at Barking College. He later majored in Car Design at Coventry University where he obtained a BA degree in Automotive Design.
The enterprising and approachable designer, who formed his own company, Rene Harrigan Design, spends time serving with his brother, Cleophas (Cle), a well-known Air Condition specialist on the island, while engaging in freelance automotive design work. He is available to persons who may wish to make design changes or enhancements to their vehicles, boats or homes.
Speaking in particular about vehicles, Rene explained: “Basically, I will be asking you questions about what you may like, do a rough sketch ofyour vehicle and then return it to you with concept renderings. Once you agree with it, I would then form out the redesigned model or parts on foam, have them fibre-glassed and fit them onto the vehicle. If you want your headlights changed, that can be designed as well.”
Among several international auto companies he has done vehicle design work for are Ford and other leading manufacturers. Among his images was the Volvo TCC (Tandem Concept Car) which he designed and built for his Major Degree Project at Coventry University. That car is powered by Fuel Cell Stack Technology which is made up of 200 individual cells connected in a series.
In addition to motor cars, Rene has done hand and computer renderings for boats and homes. He is now offering his design services to the public. He can be reached on cell numbers 1-264-581-9530 and 1-264-729-6963 or reneharrigan@hotmail.com