Ha! We have him now! We have him just where we want him! He thought he got away but he cannot get away now! Let us see what he is going to do now! We have him covered this time! How many of us say things like that from time to time? Well, life is rather interesting. There is nothing new under the sun. Those very words or sentiments were echoed thousands of years ago by some folks, and these incidences and situations can be found documented throughout the Bible. Do these sound familiar? What lessons do they hold for us particularly during this period of Lent?
The story of Moses and the Exodus (Pharaoh thought he had the Israelites)
By the time the Israelites reached the Red Sea, Pharaoh had changed his mind about setting them free. He sent his armies after them and trapped them by the sea. Pharaoh and his team thought they had God’s people cornered, just where they wanted them. Little did they know God was still in control of the situation! He knew Pharaoh and his armies would go after them and they would reach that point where they thought Pharaoh would catch them, but he allowed it to happen. Nonetheless He was faithful to Moses and He was faithful to the Israelites.
At that point, Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the LORD caused the sea to go back, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. The children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. The Israelites passed safely through the Red Sea with the Egyptians on their trail. When all the Israelites passed through, the walls of water collapsed and the Egyptians were drowned. God’s people were free from Egypt.
The story of Mordecai and Haman (Haman thought he had Mordecai)
Haman was filled with fury that Mordecai did not bow down or do obeisance to him, so he sought to destroy all the Jews, the people of Mordecai. He also plotted to kill Mordecai. Haman thought he had the Jews just where he wanted them but it backfired on him. The same gallows which Haman had prepared for Mordecai the king said, “Hang him on that.” They took Haman out and hanged him on it.
The story of the woman taken in adultery (The Scribes and the Pharisees thought they had Jesus)
The leaders (Scribes and Pharisees) brought the adulterous woman to Jesus challenging him to find a solution to the problem: what is to be done with this woman, who has been found guilty of adultery? They thought they had Jesus cornered just where they wanted him. You see, they wanted to capture him for a long time and thought this was the time to do so. Jesus knew their motives and intentions. He parried their question by asking them, in essence, to examine their own consciences to see if they themselves were guiltless. The scripture said, He refused to speak, but instead wrote in the sand ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’. The crowd of accusers melted away. One by one they left, and Jesus told the woman to go, and not to sin again.
The story of the crucifixion of Jesus (The Jewish leaders thought they had Jesus)
Some of the Jewish leaders hated Jesus because He condemned their sins. They did not want to believe the truth He preached, as He urged them to repent and turn back to God. They became jealous of the great crowds that followed Him and believed in Him, and finally decided to get rid of Him by having Him killed. When Pilate gave the orders to crucify Him, the Jewish leaders thought they had Him now. He could not get away this time. They had Him cornered this time. They rejoiced, they mocked Him, they spat on Him, they placed a crown of thorns on His head. When He gave the last breath, they thought it was all over now. Little did they know His mission was accomplished and resurrection day was coming!
What can we learn from these stories, my friends? Here are a few things:
1. We can learn to forgive each other.
2. We can learn to have compassion for others.
3. We must not laugh at another’s calamity.
4. We must treat each other in the same way we wish to be treated.
5. We will reap what we sow.
6. Do not be quick to pass judgement on others before first examining one’s self.
7. God is in control in all situations. Everything happens for a reason. Leave things in God’s hands.
You Reap What You Sow
We’re living in a world from day to day; Too busy to notice their ways.
They’ll step on you and not look back; Been doing this for days.
They hurt and hate and disrespect; Sometimes without a reason.
But what you give you will get back; When comes your reaping season.
“You reap what you sow” it ain’t no joke; Life works just like a wheel.
When something you did in the past comes back; You know that wheel is real.
It matters not if you’ve changed your life; To undo things done long ago.
The sowing that was set in motion back then; Will follow you wherever you go.
From this day forth rewrite the book; In what’s ahead for you.
You’ll one day reap what you’re sowing right now;Be aware of all that you do.
We’re living in a world from day to day; Too busy to notice their ways.
They’ll step on you and not look back;Been doing this for days.
They hurt and hate and disrespect; Sometimes without a reason.
But what you give you will get back;When comes your reaping season.
“You reap what you sow” it ain’t no joke; Life works just like a wheel.
When something you did in the past comes back;You know that wheel is real.
It matters not if you’ve changed your life; To undo things done long ago.
The sowing that was set in motion back then; Will follow you wherever you go.
From this day forth rewrite the book; In what’s ahead for you.
You’ll one day reap what you’re sowing right now; Be aware of all that you do.
Unknown Author
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com. Referrals can also be made directly through the Atlantic Star Center of Medical Excellence, South Hill, Anguilla. By Appointment Only: Tel 497-0765.