Much attention is now being paid to the various privately-run pre-schools in Anguilla with the observance of Early Childhood Month, which commenced on Friday, March 1, with an opening ceremony at the Teachers’ Resource Centre. The welcome address was delivered by President of the Organisation for Early Childhood Education, Mrs.Julet Simon.
Minister of Education, Edison Baird, declared open the month of activities. He commended the organisers of the programme for, among other things, reminding the public of the importance of early childhood development to the future of Anguilla.
Mr. Baird quoted a World Bank research document as stating that half of a person’s intelligence potential is developed at age four, and that early childhood interventions could have a lasting effect on intellectual capacity, personality and social behaviour.
The document further stated that by increasing children’s desire and ability to learn, investment in early childhood education could increase the return on that investment in their later education. It added that, “Early childhood education programmes can improve primary and even secondary school performance; increase children’s prospects for higher productivity and future income; and reduce the probability that they will become burdens on public health and social service budgets.”
Mr. Baird commented that his Ministry, through the Department of Education, would continue to support the work of early childhood centres. “Some of you may recall that last year we commissioned a survey of the quality of early childhood environments,” he went on. “This was done with a view to providing us with the information we need so that we can make critical policy decisions regarding how we can best assist you to improve on what you already do.
“I wish to make it clear that my Ministry is extremely grateful for the work that you do in this early childhood sector. I believe you must have a special gift to work with young children…Our main task is to work collaboratively to improve on what already exists. I commend all of you for your commitment to our nation’s children and I pledge Government’s continued support of your efforts.”
Ms. Veda Harrigan, Education Officer for Primary/Pre-primary schools, quoted a source as stating that children who attended early childhood schooling were more likely to grow up reading and writing, doing maths,graduating from high school, holding a job and even establishing more stable families.
She continued: “I am proud of every single one of you here who has dedicated your life to making our children getting a good start. The Department of Education, and the Ministry on a whole, pledge their continued support to all your efforts. I also wish to place on record our appreciation to all those who support the schools in their endeavours: parents, friends and the community at large. Your support is not unnoticed.”
The feature address was delivered by Rev. Erica Carty whose presentation is reported elsewhere in this edition of The Anguillian.
The opening ceremony also included several selections by various children in the pre-school and kindergarten sections of the schools.
Early Childhood Month is being observed with a series of activities over the coming weeks.