Viceroy Anguilla has just hosted a visit to the island by a top, but now retired, American Basketball professional in the person of Juwan Howard. The 6’9’’athlete recently played for the Miami Heat— his eighth team – of the National Basketball Association.
The NBA champion was invited to Anguilla by Jose Flores, Viceroy’s Director of Finance. The invitation was in response to a challenge by the Elected Member for West End, Mr. Walcott Richardson. The Minister’s challenge was for an American Basketball professional to be brought to Anguilla to interact with the young players at the Alwyn Richardson Primary School where Viceroy has significantly improved the basketball court.
Howard, who has 18 years experience as a basketball professional, visited the school on Friday, February 15, accompanied by members of Viceroy’s Management Committee. They were welcomed by the Principal, Mrs.Ornette Edwards-Gumbs. She was delighted with Mr. Howard’s visit on the opening day of the basketball season in Anguilla, and at a time when the team from her school held the Primary Schools’ Basketball Championship Trophy, now being defended.
Viceroy’s General Manager, Richard Alexander, said the resort was proud to be associated with the school’s basketball programme. He spoke about the disciplines which the sport offers to young players, and wished the students much success in the mastery of the game and in the inter-school competition.
Howard, the NBA champion, who was born in Chicago, Illinois, told the students of his dream to become a basketball professional and of the hard work and dedication it took for him to succeed. He underscored the need for them to apply themselves not only to learn the sport, but also to develop themselves academically as he had done.
He answered various questions from the students about some of the best-known basketball professionals and teams in the United States. The dialogue showed that the children were quite versed in the sport and with some of the leading names in the National Basketball Association.

Following the meeting in the school’s auditorium, the NBA champion, along with Viceroy’s personnel, joined the students on the basketball court for a session of play. The basketball coaches for the school, who observed the game, are Tyrone Hughes and Samero Richardson. Both of them work in close cooperation with Ian Connor, the volleyball and basketball coach for all the primary schools.