As part of its contribution to education, LIME Anguilla has substantially upgraded the internet speed at the Teacher Gloria Omolulu Institute.
The company’s Marketing Manager in Anguilla, Jade Reymond, said the internet speed at the school was upgraded from one to eight megawatts. “As LIME, we are always grateful for opportunities to be able to invest in the community and in the education of our young ones,” she said on Tuesday this week. “Hopefully, we will be able to upgrade the internet at all of the schools in Anguilla. We thank Omolulu Institute for reaching out to us. We upgraded the internet to eight megs which is one of the fastest speeds on the island.”
Dr. Aidan Harrigan, one of the school’s Directors, thanked LIME Anguilla on behalf of the Board of Directors for upgrading the internet access. “This will enable the school to deliver those parts of the curriculum which are based on an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) platform using the requisite tools and systems,” he stated.

to Dr. Aidan Harrigan
“It is commonly accepted by global development agencies, such as the United Nations Development Programme, that ICT is key to 21st century development. If developing countries are to bridge the digital divide, the citizens must have access to ICT including the internet, at the earliest opportunity.
“LIME is therefore to be commended for its efforts in ensuring that primary schools in Anguilla have access to the internet free of charge or at substantially-reduced rates.”
Mrs. Janine Edwards, a member of Omolulu’s Board, was also grateful to LIME for its substantial upgrade of the school’s internet service. “This will enable boys and girls around the campus to get into their laptops and do all the wonderful research for Social Studies and Google Earth and all the other things they are learning about,” she added.