The JC Recreational Centre (JCRC) was host to two sporting events on 26th January 2013. Saturday morning saw the start of the first AXA Youth Fitness Association training session. The AXA Youth Fitness Association was formed this year by the JCRC to target youth between the ages of 15 and 19 years who are interested in enhancing their strength, flexibility and stamina. In order for youth to use the gym at the JC Recreational Centre, they are required to take part in a 3-session training workshop that introduces them to gym etiquette, a beginner’s strength training routine, and provides the tools for setting goals and leading a balanced life.
The sessions are being facilitated by Personal Trainer and Coach Louis Price who has over 30 years of experience working with youth and in the areas of health, fitness and massage therapy. Following the sessions, the youth who meet all the criteria for the programme will embark on a three-month routine at the gym with online support from the JC Recreational Centre website www.jcrecreationalcentre.org. This first workshop has 20 participants, male and female, from different walks of life across Anguilla, who have a common interest in improving their health and fitness. This workshop was sponsored by the Anguilla Community Foundation, and it is hoped that more sponsorship can be sourced to fund it, during each quarter of 2013, to provide the opportunity to a wider selection of youth. The JCRC wishes to thank the ACF and the Department of Social Development, HiTek Signs and Designs, Hill Concepts and Dr. Louden of the Anguilla Community College.
As part of the events to celebrate Police Week, the Royal Anguilla Police Force (RAPF) held a Sports Meet on Saturday afternoon (26th January) at the JC RC with the Voluntary Police Service (VKS) of Dutch St. Maarten. The Chairperson for Police Week, Sergeant Randolph Yearwood, stated, “Every year VKS comes over from St Maarten to take part in our Police Week in January and we go to theirs in June. There were approximately 40 persons in the contingent, which included the teams and spectators, led by Commander Jean Illidge”. At the JCRC, the two teams from St. Maarten and Anguilla took advantage of the expansive sport court to play Volley Ball and Basketball. Anguilla won the Volleyball in 3 straight sets and St. Maarten, who were leading the basketball game by 26:19 earlier on, lost to Anguilla 44:33. Following the basketball game, the sports continued with a baseball game at the Coronation Park which was also won by Anguilla.

On Sunday morning the RAPF and VKS attended a service at the St. Augustine’s Anglican Church and then went to a picnic at Sandy Ground.
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