The compound of Her Majesty’s Prison in Anguilla is a densely-built up area. The cluster of buildings serves as cells, a classroom block, a workshop and, not far away, administrative offices. Within the limited area, there are also small land spaces for recreation activities as well as gardening.
And yet, in that tightly-compressed area new two-storey building is nearing completion. It provides for eleven additional prison cells, some single, and others, double rooms. There is also a gated area for prison office personnel.
The building, whose contractor is Harold Ruan, was provided by the British Government at a cost of half a million US dollars. It was visited by the Minister for theBritishOverseasTerritories, Mr. Mark Simmonds, on Thursday, October 25. The Minister was pleased with the progress of the building which is to relieve the overcrowding at the prison cells. According to the Acting Superintendent, when the new facility is commissioned, it will help to accommodate 102 prisoners.

In addition to the UK Minister, the visiting party also included Governor Alistair Harrison; Minister of Social Development, Edison Baird, who has administrative responsibility for the prison service; the Prison Adviser, Vince Walker; Acting Superintendent of Prison, Allister Richardson, Deputy Superintendent; and Contractor, Harold Ruan.