Pastor James Harrigan of the No-Walls Church of Hope in the Farrington saw his fifty-fifth birthday on Monday, November 26th. For him, though, this was no regular birthday for it was preceded, the day before, by astounding gestures of appreciation for him and his devout wife and fellow-minister, Pastor Pat.
In an overwhelming display of appreciation for their pastors’ faithful work, members of the Church last Sunday morning exemplified their love and loyalty. This was an absolute surprise for both pastors who have been shepherding a modest flock for little over five years.

As the Sunday morning service was about to commence, and as Pastor James walked through the door with his agenda for the service, he suddenly realized that he had to make a drastic change to his plans. The unusual dense atmosphere warranted a shift. Pastor Pat was already specially seated in the front row where a select pair of chairs was particularly prepared for them both with garlands of decoration. Surely, it was not to be church as usual.

The proceedings took on the characteristics of a thanksgiving and appreciation service for the ministers. Several items of tributes were rendered; love-gifts were presented; and speeches were delivered, jovially moderated by Sunday School Superintendent, Maxine Alanzo. The trend of the service was intermitted by an enthusiastic worship session led by worship minister, Vanessa Connor, as the capacity crowd jubilantly rejoiced in songs of praises to the Lord.
The planned highlight of the service, however, was the dedication of the pastors’ own first grandson, JaÍ, whose name is the Indian rendering for “Victory”. As the ten God-parents flanked the altar, the church’s apostle, Elmead Allen, who officiated the dedication with Pastor James, challenged them to execute their duties as guardians who should care for the well-being of the child, and not just as “god-parents” by identity.

At the end of the service, a delectable fellowship luncheon was served to all to complement the appreciation program. Pastors James and Pat wish to express their sincere gratitude to the planners and organizers of such honorable acts of dedication and love.