A record number of 253 students turned out for the youth development programme. The course now in its sixth year was held for the first form students of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School, Campus B on Friday 31st August 2012 at Campus B. Never before in the history of the Anguillian community did we have 250 children or any amount close to it entering the secondary school system. Therefore 253 can only be described as historic.
The Community Relations Department of the Royal Anguilla Police Force, along with a number of education partners and the Anguilla Lions Club hosted the annual programme. The lectures are geared towards assisting the police in realizing one of their primary objective whish is “prioritizing the major issues of crime, drugs and disorderly behaviour especially those involving young people”.
The lectures seek to arm the students with some vital knowledge and skills just before they start their secondary school education. It is our hope and prayer that this gesture will assist in curtailing some of the delinquent behaviours exhibited among Campus B first year students. These issues include: drugs use and abuse, unhealthy sexual activity, improper dress codes, poor hygiene, fighting, unhealthy eating habits, and disrespect for adults and peers among others. In addressing these issues a 45 minutes presentations was made by the above mentioned persons who are skilled in the above mentioned areas.
The Community Relations Department of the Royal Anguilla Police Force would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the persons that have partnered with them throughout the past six years. This includes all of the speakers, sponsors and kitchen staff without whom this progromme would not have been possible. This year’s programme was a resounding success and it is hoped that it will grow from strength to strength as it continues for years to come.
Below is a copy of the commissioner’s keynote speech that was delivered at the Programme’s opening ceremony.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)