As children inAnguillaentered the second week of the new schoolyear, a “Back to School Service” was held at St. Mary’s Anglican Church on Sunday evening, September 9.
It was organised byBishopErrolBrooksand Mrs. Brooks and attended by school children, teachers, parents, guardians and other persons.

Bishop Brooks said that despite the fact that the schools had already reopened, it was a time for the children to make a new start. “We want you to go through this school year with God,” he told the children and teachers. “After the long summer vacation, some of you may be finding it difficult to adjust, but now is the time … to really get in shape and be ready for being back to school with God.”

The lively service of singing, prayer, teaching points and other activities, was moderated by Local Preacher, Dr. M. Linda Banks. It commenced with the Call to Worship by Sunday School Teacher, FabianFahie.
One of the main activities was a presentation by School Nurse, Dana Ruan, who spoke to a large extent on healthy eating. She engaged the children in an interactive session about the importance of having nutritious snacks in their lunch bags, and the need to have healthy minds and bodies in order to perform better in school.

Principal of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School, Mrs. Ingrid Lake, stressed that children learned as they watched and listened. “This is a huge responsibility for teachers and parents,” she said. “Those of us who are older, need to be good role models, encouraging younger people all the time…We all need to shape up and turn what we believe into action.”
Mrs. Lake admonished the children to converse with God always about directing their lives; to prepare themselves for school; and to listen, follow instructions and to learn well.
Other teachers, who participated in the service by delivering various teaching points or engaging in other activities, were Principal of theMorrisVanterpoolSchool, Celestine John; Music Teacher, Lennox Vanterpool; Principal of St. Mary’s Pre-School, Hazel Brooks;Teachers Lorelle Richardson and Dee Ann Rogers; and Education Officer, Winston Duncan.
A number of school children also delivered prayers during the hour and a half service.
In his closing remarks, Bishop Brooks wished that more persons were at the service which he indicated would be a continuing part of St. Mary’s calendar of events.
He was grateful to all of the participants, and looked forward to hearing about much progress and good behaviour in all schools inAnguilla.