These seem to be the days when everything is going wrong! When everything we seem to hold on to, and believe in, is crumbling before our eyes! It doesn’t make any difference how hard you try; it just seems that everything backfires on you. The harder you try, the worse it gets. Is this your experience my friends?
Well, what should we do in times like these? Should we murmur and complain? Should we point fingers and play the blame game? Should we fight among ourselves? Should we throw our hands up in despair and call it quits? No way, my friends! It is time for usto learn to trust God if we have not done so as yet.
You see, there is a built in mechanism within each one of us. There is within the human capacity a tenacious survival instinct that kicks in when we are at our lowest. It enables us to succeed through the storms of life. They will come, but they will not overthrow us if welearn to trust God even when we cannot trace Him.
God has everything under control, even the minute details of our lives. He makes absolutely no mistakes. His timing in every aspect is always perfect. He knows exactly what to use, when to use it, where to use it and how to use it in order to get our attention and to draw us closer to Him. Perhaps such a time is now.
Have you ever stopped and pondered, even for a moment, why all these things are happening one after the other? Why is it that even the very core of our livelihood is being threatened? Could it be that God is using these situations to get our attention? Or could it be that God is allowing these situations to let us finally see that we are not the ones who are in control, but Him? It pays to give those questions some serious thought!
It is just hard to fathom my friends! So much is happening at the same time. The whole world is in crisis! There are so many issues to be dealt with all at once. There are more questions than answers. There are more problems than solutions. Why are all these things happening? Why are we experiencing all these troubles?There are crimes everywhere. Many are losing their jobs and loved ones,and many are facing physical, emotional, social, financial and spiritual problems. If you are one of those persons, my friend, a part of the solution to a troubled heart is to trust God.
In the book of Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 5 and 6, God admonished us to trust in Him. It says,“Trustin the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Is that not wonderful? Doesn’t that give us hope? Jesus told His apostles to trust in 3 things. Trust in His presence. Trust in His promises and simply trust in Him. He is calling on all of us to do the very same, as well, today especially in these troubling times.
Yes, my friends, we can trust Him! We can trust in His presence. He said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me”. He is saying to us, remember, when you can no longer see me, don’t stop trusting in me. You see, we always find it easier to trust in things that we can see and touch, but the Bible teaches us that the things we can see are only temporary. They are only here for a little while and then they are gone. But the thingswe cannot see last forever. This is an important lesson we need to learn especially now when we are facing so many troubles and difficulties in life. We need to rememberJesus’ promise to us. He said, “I will be with you always. I will never leave you nor forsake you.” “Trust in My presence.”
Jesus also said, “You can trust in My promises”. God gave many promises both in the Old and New Testaments. At times they took a while for some of his promises to be fulfilled, but they were finally fulfilled in his perfect timing. For example, He promised a Messiah that took a long time. But it was fulfilled – Jesus the Savior was born. He promised that He is coming back for us and someday we will be with Him forever, and you can bet on it. It too will come to pass. You see, sometimes we grow impatient, but the scripture says, “You can trust the promises of God.” This promise will be fulfilled as well.
Jesus is simply saying: Trust in Me! He is asking us to trust in Him and we ought to do so because he will never fail us or let us down. What a wonderful promise! He is saying, “I’m not just going to show you the way, or tell you the way, or write out the instructions on how to get there. I’m going to come and take you by the hand to My Father’s house. Then you will be home.” Isn’t that awesome? So my friends, in these difficult and troubling times, we need to learn to trust God. Father sees, knows and understands all things. Nothing takes him by surprise.
What is it that is weighing you down today? Do you have burdens that you think you cannot bear? Are you troubled? Are you worried or anxious? Do you feel empty inside? Do you feel lonely? Do you feel lost, confused or hopeless? Whatever your burdens are, the solution to a troubled heart is still the same: trust God. Trust in His presence. “I’ll never leave you,” He said. “I’ll always be beside you. Don’t forget My presence.”
Also “Trust My promises. When everything seems dark and gloomy, when everything seems to be falling apart, remember My promises.” And t simply trust me! “I am that I am”. I am whatever you want me to be! Trust in Me. You won’t get lost. You won’t go astray. I’m the way, and I’ll take you by the hand and lead you. My friends, what more can we ask for? God can be trusted. Let us learn to trust Him and stand in faith.
Stand In Faith
Stand in faith, Even when you can’t see your way
Stand in faith, Even when you feel like you can’t face another day
Stand in faith, Even when the tears want to flow from your eyes
Stand in faith, Knowing that our God will always provide
Stand in faith, Even when you feel that all hope is gone
Stand in faith, Knowing that He is always there for you to lean on
Stand in faith, Even when you feel like giving up
Stand in faith, Because He is there … saying, “Just look up”
Stand in faith, Even in those times you feel so all alone
Stand in faith, Hold on and be strong, for He is still on the throne
Stand in faith, Even when it’s hard to believe
Stand in Faith, Knowing that He can change your situation, suddenly
Stand in faith, Even in those times you feel it’s hard to pray
Stand in faith, And believe that He has already made the way
Faith … is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
So stand in faith, Because you already have the victory!
–Evangelist Johnnye V. Chandler
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com