Special Needs Teachers from throughoutAnguillaare benefitting from a two-week practical and classroom workshop conducted by two Canadian Artisan specialists: YbonneRasuse and Kym Shume.
“We do professional development training for teachers involved in special education, and private consulting with families of individuals with artisan and other special needs,” Ms.Rasuse told The Anguillian at the Teachers’ Resource Centre on Tuesday, September 11.
Ms Rasuse was on vacation inAnguillain February this year, when she met Chief Education Officer, Rhonda Connor. “I offered myself as a volunteer to come to the island and do some work with teachers if that would be welcomed here,” Ms Rasuse recalled. “I offered to bring colleague, Kym Shume, to volunteer to work with the teachers as well.”
She said that their plan was to conduct four workshops and working each day in the classrooms with the teachers mentoring and showing them how to apply some of the strategies taught at the workshops. “We are doing workshops on Tuesday and Thursday, both this week and next week, and between each workshop we are going to be working in the schools,” she explained.
The Department of Education inAnguillais meeting the expenses of the facilitators who have waived their professional fees, thus providing a free service.
In addition to the special needs teachers, some other specialists, including speech pathologists, school guidance counsellors and school psychologists, are also attending the workshops.