(Address delivered by Mr. Richardson on Monday September 24th.)

Pesticides have played a major role in increasing the local accessibility, quantity and quality of agricultural produce to the consumer and, in more recent times, to eradicate pests which pose risks to the environment and human health.
It is to be noted that inadequate pesticide container management can result in pesticide environmental contamination and poisoning, causing health problems.
It is therefore imperative that all persons, be they frequent users of pesticides or otherwise, be educated and informed about the proper handling and management of pesticide containers.
As Minister responsible for Environment, which includes the control of pesticides, I am cognizant of the fact that if our plans and policies concerning effective pesticide container management in Anguilla are to be achieved, then sound legislation and regulations must be enacted and enforced after its revision.
To this end, the government is moving swiftly with revision of the Draft Environmental Protection Act. This revised legislation will provide a broad scope to include, the management of pesticides and the management of hazardous toxic chemicals in general. The new law will address specifically issues of illegal importation, certification of pest control operators and the requirement for licenses for the importation of pesticides.
As Minister, I will further ensure that the Department of Environment is given the necessary resources, firstly to educate and sensitize key stakeholders and the general public with respect to their legal responsibilities, and secondly, to inspect and monitor pesticide operations to ensure compliance with the law.
In keeping with the theme, “Protecting Environment and Health through Pesticides Container Management”, activities during the week will be focused on the rational use of pesticides, and will be aimed at:
• Providing an understanding of Best practices which governs the judicious use of pesticides inAnguilla;
• Highlighting the need for pesticide users to handle pesticides safely; and
• Emphasizing the need for commercial pest control operators and distributors to function within the ambit of a good corporate citizen.
I cannot end without stating that the adverse effects associated with pesticides’ use can be substantially alleviated through pesticide applicators participating in training programs, which will ultimately lead to their certification.
In this regard, I am proud to state that Anguilla’s Pesticide Operators are qualified to operate in these areas and more so they have contributed to the success of Pesticide Awareness Week 2012.
The following points should be remembered:
• Read and follow all label instructions. This includes directions for use, precautionary statements (hazards to humans, domestic animals, and endangered species), environmental hazards, rates of application, number of applications, re-entry intervals, harvest restrictions, storage and disposal, and any specific warnings and/or precautions for safe handling of the pesticide.
• Wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment when working with pesticides.
• Rinse containers immediately after emptying because some pesticide residues will dry quickly and become difficult to remove. If the container cannot be rinsed immediately, replace the cap until it can be rinsed.
• Never reuse pesticide containers (rinsed or unrinsed).
• Contact the manufacturer, dealer, or business where pesticides were purchased to see if they will take back rinsed pesticide containers or unused concentrates.
• Never allow empty pesticide containers to accumulate where unauthorized people have access to them. Such containers may be dangerous to children, pets, livestock, and wildlife, as well as adults who might convert them to other uses.
• In the event of a pesticide spill, remove all persons from possible chemical exposure; control the spill; contain it by diking and absorbing liquid pesticides with dry material such as sawdust, kitty litter, or shredded paper; and report the spill.
• The proper transportation and storage of pesticides and the proper rinsing and disposal of empty pesticide containers demonstrate that applicators are competent professionals who are concerned about the environment.
It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the potential for harm is minimized as much as possible when using pesticides.
I now take great pleasure in declaring Pesticide Awareness Week 2012 officially open.
Thank You!!!