Why is it necessary to establish effective rules?
It is a fact that every teacher faces the challenge of classroom management. However, the action a teacher takes in this area is likely to be the difference between effective teaching and chaos.Getting off to a good start in the classroom when school reopens requires establishing authority early.Students especially love to test new teachers, so it’s critical that teachers have a plan in hand when they walk into the classroom the first time. To this end, setting expectations is the key to establishing order in the classroom.
What is the difference between rules and procedures?
The establishment of rules and procedures is a vital part in maintaining class control. Rules identify general expectations such as “Students will be courteous” or “Students will not disrupt the learning process”.
Procedures, on the other hand, spell out the specific behaviours that are required in order to satisfy the rule. For example, a teacher may establish a procedure that states, “When someone else is speaking, do not interrupt but raise your hand if youwould like to speak.” This procedure will help to accomplish the rule that requires students to be courteous.
How can effective rules be established?
Engaging students on the first day of school in creating a set of rules helps to ensure that rules are kept and not broken. As much as possible, rules should be short and specific. Three basic, but critical, areas that teachers can consider in setting rules are helpfulness, respect and preparedness.
However, in a collaborative effort teachers and students cancreate rules from the following:
• General classroom behaviour
• Beginningsand endings of lessons
• Transitions and interruptions
• Use of materials and equipment
• Group work
• Seatwork and teacher-led activities.
It is important to bear in mind that the rationale for implementing rules and procedures in the classroom should be discussed with studentsas quickly as possible at the beginning of the school year. Additionally, procedures should be practiced until students are familiar with them. For example, teachers might explain that they require students to come to class with the required books and materials because understanding the lesson and completing the assignments often depend upon having the right materials.
What else can teachers do to ensure that rules and procedures are regarded by students?
In addition to
a) establishing a small number of rules and procedures,
b) discussing with students the classroom rules and procedures teachers,
c) practicing procedures until students are familiar with them, the following should also be considered:
1. Organizing the classroom for effective teaching and learning. This will communicate to students the method by which the teacher intends to manage instruction and learning. To avoid chaos the arrangement should give the teacher flexibility for organizing students and changing activities.
2. Periodically reviewing rules and procedures and making necessary changes to make the rule or procedure work.
3. Scheduling regular classroom meetings to discuss classroom management, rules and procedures. Students can reflect on the current classroom situation and present concerns.
4. Explaining consequencesagreed to in advance.
Consequences of breaking rules
Consequences are results which consistently follow certain behaviour.Students should understand that when rules are broken, consequences will be applied fairly and consistently.Therefore, consequences agreed upon should be related to the misbehaviour so that students can see the connection. Relatedly, rules and consequences should be prominently displayed within the classroom shortly after the list is developed and agreed to by students. This serves as a reminder for those who may wish to break them. It also gives the teacher something to point at when requesting certain behaviours to stop.
All classrooms no matter how well behaved need rules and procedures. Teachers should consider how they would manage their classroom before the beginning of the school year and spend time at the beginning making sure that students understand the rules, procedures and consequences attached to them. Studies have found that students who are accustomed to rules and procedures established at home, by their parents, did well academically and behaved better at home and at school.Awell-developed and maintained classroom system will produce an environment that is respectful of individuals and promotes learning.