A beautifully-decorated St. Mary’s Anglican Church, in The Valley, was the scene of an Anguillian wedding on Saturday, July 28, in which the bride was Vanessa John and the groom Lonnie Hobson, two of the island’s professional young people.
Vanessa, whose parents are Mr and Mrs Alban John, is employed in theAnguillapublic service as Literary Champion, an appointment she assumed on September 1, 2011. Previously, she served as a Graduate Teacher at the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School, having obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Literature and English from the Cave Hill Campus of the University of theWest Indies. She is now pursuing online studies with the UWIleading to a Master’s degree in Education and Literacy Instruction.

Vanessa won the Miss Anguilla title in 2002 and the Miss Ecstasy Pageant in 2003. She was President of the Rotaract Club, the junior chapter of the Rotary Club.
Lonnie, the son of Mr and Mrs Richard Hobson, is employed in theAnguillapublic service as Deputy Registrar at the Commercial Registry Department, a post he held since September 2011. Previously, he served as a Graduate Teacher at the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School where he taught Information Technology for four years. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Texas Southern University and is now studying for a Master’s degree in Public Policy with the University of London.

In their acknowledgments the newly-married couple made the following statement: “As we embark on this new and exciting journey, we give praise to the Almighty God, the Architect of our lives, whose divine design saw it fit that our lives’ plans involved each other.
“To our parents we extend a heartfelt, special thank you for providing us with love-filled homes and for moulding us into the man and woman that we are today. We intend to continue building upon the foundation that you have skilfully laid so that we may grow and prosper in our love for each other.

“Indeed, each of you present today, is here because you have made a positive impact on either our personal or professional lives and we are truly honoured by your presence. You see, a wedding is one of the most joyous occasions in a person’s life, but it won’t ever be as memorableif the people you love and care about, or who are most important to you, are not there to share that day with you.”

The officiating Ministers were theRt. Rev.Errol Brooks and Rev. Menes Hodge. The musicians were John Bryan, organist at St. Michael Cathedral in Barbados; Lois Hazell-Carbon and Conlloyd Gumbs. Musical selections were by Foster Rogers, Wenonah Hughes, Mary Hughes and Laesha Hobson.
The church was decorated by Ernie Hodge and Merlin Rogers.
The reception was held at Italia Restaurant at CuisinArt Golf Resort and Spa.
Mr and Mrs Hobson left Anguilla on honeymoon inNew Orleansand a cruise to Mexico.