As the parents, guardians and teachers looked on in the crowded the Orealia Kelly Auditorium, 48 students walked down the aisle to commence their graduation exercise. Issuing the welcoming remarks was PTA President, Mr. Sanford Richardson, followed by Deputy Principal Tr. Marcia Brooks who introduced the Keynote Speaker.
A past student of the School, Keynote Speaker, Ms. Nakishma Rogers, reminded the students that even though they had the luxury of achieving automatic entry into high school they still needed to develop a hunger for excellence and a thirst to learn. She assured the students that there was nothing wrong with dreaming big as long as one maintains a hunger for excellence while remaining committed and dedicated to their dreams.

And she admonished “Graduands, if you have not started to dream yet, you need to take responsibility for you own future, your own graduation and ultimately, your best friend.”
Ms. Rogers went on to encourage the students to take advantage of the opportunity to make new friends. However, she cautioned them against making wrong decisions and choosing idle company.
Turning to the parents, she pleaded with them to never turn their backs on their children, and to support their dreams while respecting their interests and not discouraging them.
The Valedictory Speech was made by Kamal Vanterpool and the vote of thanks was given by the Salutatorian, Casey Richardson.
(Photos and Article courtesy Arthur D. Ward)