Simply Natural by Yinka,Anguilla’s premier health food establishment, has announced the addition of Bell Lifestyle products to its large variety of reputable brands. Bell Lifestyle is an internationally acclaimed Canadian manufacturer of over 50 natural health products. The popular brand has a large following of satisfied customers around the globe, as well as here onAnguilla. Bell’s top products include their Joint Relief formula for arthritis, as well as their herbal combinations for bladder control, menopause, prostate, blood pressure, skin, detoxification and weight loss.
Phillipe Ferrand, International Export Sales Manager for Bell Lifestyle Products says that the natural health company is pleased to grant Simply Natural by Yinka full exclusivity to promote and distribute Bell Lifestyle onAnguilla. Simply Natural is a well-established entity that meetsBell’s criteria and we are delighted to partner with them, he said.
Founder and Managing Director, Dr. Phyllis Fleming-Banks, says that Simply Natural is delighted to partner with Bell Lifestyle to provide its products to the residents ofAnguillaand surrounding islands. “We at Simply Natural are very careful to ensure that the products that we carry are of the highest quality, and Bell Lifestyle is one of those manufacturers that distinguishes itself an institution that truly cares about its customers. Its founder, Nick Jerch is himself an inspiration,” Dr. Fleming-Banks, points out. Jerch suffered with chronic arthritis, swollen prostate and bladder infection and developed the company to share the healing that he experienced from the natural and herbal combinations that helped him regain his quality of life.”
Simply Natural is a locally owned and operated business which has been providing natural herbal alternatives to residents and visitors for the past eighteen and a half years. With a focus on education and awareness-building, the alternative healing centre is noted for providing herbal and nutritional counselling services, along with a wide array of herbal/natural products.
Customers are encouraged to visit Simply Natural on the Landsome Road in the Valley for the Bell Lifestyle products, call 497-5311 or email them at simplynaturalbyyinka@gmail.com, Simply Natural Anguilla on Facebook or visit the Bell Lifestyle website (www.BellLifestyleProducts.com) for more information.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)