Keithley Lake & Associates and Daniel Brantley & Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, have selected their 2012 scholarship and bursary recipients from the Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica. For the sixth consecutive year, two outstanding students who displayed remarkable academic achievement, extra-curricular participation and community service have each been awarded J$175,000 (or approximately EC$6,000) to assist in completing their respective legal educations.
The scholarship is awarded annually to two second year students based on scholastic ability and economic need. Fifty three (53) students were interviewed by the Scholarship Committee at theNormanManleyLawSchooland Fayola Olugbala and Truanna Chinwere selected as winners for 2012.

Fayola hails from theislandofNevis. She is the proud mother of two and has managed to conquer the mammoth task of motherhood and legal studies. As a testament to her remarkable abilities, Fayola obtained exceptional results in her first year examinations.Fayola’s tremendous capabilities extend beyond academia to her committed involvement in service activities such as the Norman Manley law School Street Children Initiative. By receiving this scholarship, Fayola indicates that she is motivated to assist others in much the same way as she is now being assisted. Fayola has received very high commendations from the educators at theNormanManleyLawSchooland we have no doubt that she will continue to surpass the already high standards she has set for self.

Truanna, an astute Jamaican, endured the passing of both parents but has not allowed the experience to hinder her ability to succeed. Instead, she does justice to the memory of her parents as she excels in her studies at theNormanManleyLawSchool. Also, in keeping with her Christian influence, she has given of herself in various Church initiatives such as the feeding of the less fortunate and likewise the Norman Manley Law School Street Children Initiative. Truanna also displays talents beyond academia and has proven herself to be a rather gifted photographer as she has been dubbed the unofficial photographer for theLawSchoolat various functions. Truanna proceeds on her journey to success with an attitude of humility and we are confident that she will continue to view this investment in her as an investment in others as she has proudly declared her intention to use her accomplishment for the development and upliftment of those in her community.

We also take this opportunity to congratulate Monique Clarke and Diane Thompson-Clarke who are the recipients of the Keithley Lake & Associates and Daniel Brantley & Associates Bursaries respectively.
The Firms of Keithley Lake & Associates and Daniel, Brantley & Associates with offices in Nevis and Anguilla continue to invest in the future of the Region and offer 2 scholarships and 2 bursaries annually to students at theNormanManleyLawSchool.
We are honoured to contribute to the academic development of these students. We congratulate this year’swinners and wish them every success in their future endeavours.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)