Stung by bees and wasps, members of the Uncle Keys Domino Club continued undeterred in their efforts to remove large quantities of garbage, and clusters of unsightly shrubs, from the surroundings of the Basketball Court on the premises of the Orealia Kelly Primary School.
The two-day labour of love clean-up campaign, this week, began with fourteen members of the Club, assisted by three players, cleaning the court. They were overwhelmed with the enormity of the task, but vowed to complete the work the next day.

They suffered a brief agonising delay when they were attacked by a swarm of raging bees which sent them scouring for cover. If that was not enough, several of the volunteers had to endure the agony of stings by wasps.The Club has expressed thanks to Director of Agriculture, William Vanterpool, for rescuing them from the chasing bees.
President of the Uncle Keys Domino Club, Alkins Rogers, after whose father, Cedric Rogers, it was named, to commemorate his snackette, said the clean-up campaign, a community project, was aimed at removing the pollution of heavy garbage from the surroundings of the basketball court as well as the road area to the nearby Princess Alexandra Hospital.
A number of the other executive members of the Club also participated in the clean-up exercise. They included the Vice President, Roger Brown, the PRO, Secretary, two Disciplinary Officers, the Manager and the Vice Captain.
The Club was dismayed about the volume of the careless dumping of garbage in the area, but was pleased that its membership had risen to challenge to clean it up.