This week started very busy for officers of the Anguilla Fire and Rescue Service. They were called out to three fires between Sunday and Monday.
The first call on Sunday morning was at the West End area where a grass fire, strengthened by the wind and dry rubble, went out of control and caused much concern. The fire was successfully put out.
Later that said morning, a second fire, of unknown origin, fiercely engulfed a small road-side building at South Hill. It destroyed much of that property and threatened other nearby residential properties. By the time the fire truck and officers arrived on the scene, the area was strewn with a mass of smouldering debris.

The third fire, a grass one, occurred on Monday at farmland in the Welches/Island Harbour area. Much of the land and crate -fencing were burnt.
Officers of the Fire and Rescue Services are appealing to all persons, particularly farmers, wishing to clear their lands, to exercise care when lighting fires for that purpose; and to note that wind direction, prevailing drought conditions and safety are factors to take into consideration.

It is advisable for all persons to notify the fire service before venturing to set fires for land-clearing purposes.