In collaboration with the Anguilla Tourist Board, the Anguilla Sailing Association is proud to announce the tenth Annual Anguilla Regatta – known to be one of the best in the Caribbean. The Anguilla Regatta is famous for exciting courses and testing wind conditions, usually within the 13 – 18 knot range. Together with unpredictable wind shifts around offshore cays and marks, this makes for an exhilarating race experience. An additional unusual flavour to the Regatta is the participation of Anguilla’s local boats – a unique cultural landmark representing the history and development of this island. All this is set against Anguilla’s famous azure waters and stunning beaches. And after all the hard work of racing, partying on the beach could not be easier, with some of Anguilla’s best restaurants and bars just a short, sandy stroll away.
The Anguillian Regatta is probably unique because it relies on the passion and commitment of a small group of volunteers, who saw the potential for a regatta back in 2003, and strove to make it happen. The event is organised by the non-profit Anguilla Sailing Association (ASA) with administrative support provided by the Sint Maarten Yacht Club. Financial and promotional support is provided by the Anguilla Tourist Board.

The ASA was created in 2003 when the founders of the regatta determined that the event should grow each year and realised that would require an organisation to take the regatta to the next level. Their determination has paid off and the Anguilla Regatta has become a major fixture in theCaribbean, attracting sailors from all over the world. Some are drawn by the opportunity to sail in Anguilla’s unique local boats. Others use the event as an excuse to spend a few days in beautiful Anguilla, tempted by her beautiful beaches, fabulous restaurants and now a Greg Norman golf course that can keep any golfing sailor happily challenged.
For more details on this year’s Regatta, visit the site at www.anguillaregatta.com
In addition to organising the Regatta each year, the ASA runs the Anguilla Youth Sailing Club (AYSC) which boasts a fleet of over 30 boats and is based in Sandy Ground. The AYSC provides tuition and boat rentals to tourists, as well as sailing programmes for local children from three to eighteen. Scholarships are available to any child who wants to sail but whose family is unable to fund the tuition. The club provides a crucial outlet forAnguilla’s youth, teaching them sportsmanship and the spirit of competition, as well as turning them into expert sailors. Over half of the students attend on scholarship, so tuition income covers only a very small part of operating costs, which makes the AYSC heavily reliant on the success of the Regatta, as well as private donations.
The Anguilla Sailing Association has made arrangements with the Anguilla Community Foundation to have tax deductible status for donations made from theUSA. Through the co-operation of local businesses in Anguilla and St Maarten and donations from many of Anguilla’s visitors, the Anguilla Youth Sailing Club can bring a love of sailing and the sea to a large group of children who would otherwise miss out. To find out how you can get involved in helping the AYSC, please contact the ASA at aysc@sailanguilla.com or visit our website at www.sailanguilla.com.
– Press Release