“Reach Out 2012”, a customer awareness initiative hosted by the Anguilla Library Service, which began on April 23rd culminated with an afternoon of special activities on Friday, April 27th .In her opening address on Monday, April 23rd, Acting Director, Mrs Carmen Oliveras, described the initiative as one that would celebrate the connections between the Library and its community under the theme “Libraries: a community partnership.” She hoped that the public would learn more about the Library’s resources and programmes and used the opportunity to thank individuals and organizations for their ongoing support.

During the week, members of the Library staff and students from the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School visited some schools and read stories to pre-school and kindergarten students. Colourful displays, fun quizzes, open house, and impromptu debates engaged staff, customers and students in friendly exchanges. “Appreciation” was the buzzword for Friday’s finale which featured an awards presentation followed by fun around the Library block with a ‘know your library’ treasure hunt, other activities for children and a fundraiser for the annual summer programme.
The closing presentation of “Reach Out 2012”recognised the services of former Librarians and also the collaboration between the UWI Open Campus, the Department of Youth & Culture and the Library Service in the organization of the annual Malliouhana Poetry Competition. Deputy Director, Youth & Culture, Ms Linda Lake, was the chair of the afternoon’s event which kicked off with Mrs Carmen Oliver as paying tribute to the leadership efforts of Mrs Countess Rey and Ms Audrey Brooks in the history of library services in Anguilla. She highlighted their contributions with the appointment of Mrs Rey as Public Librarian in 1961 when the Library did not even have a stable venue for its operations. Ms Brooks had already started her service in 1957 as a Library Assistant and succeeded Mrs Rey as Public Librarian in 1975 until the early 1990s. Both Librarians struggled to source library materials and space in which to house them. Working conditions were far from satisfactory, but small study spaces were offered as well as outreach programmes for children and service points in some outlying districts.
Permanent Secretary, Education, Mrs Chanelle Petty-Barrett, was invited to present the awards of the afternoon. She deemed the task an honour and underscored her ‘appreciation’ of Mrs Rey’s service as she graciously presented a plaque to her. In accepting the award, Mrs Rey expressed her gratitude and complimented the Library staff on“how much the Library had grown” across the years.
Unfortunately, Ms Audrey Brooks was unable to attend.
Mrs Sharon Lake from UWI’s Open Campus then came to the podium to comment on the partnership efforts involved with the Malliouhana Poetry Competition. The 2011 theme “School Days” invited participants, from 5 years up, to reflect on sub-themes like teacher/student relationships andthe importance of education as a force for social empowerment. The economic climate had adversely affected sponsorship but getting commitment was still a work in progress. She acknowledged positive responses from the Anguilla Socvial Security Board, National Bank of Anguilla, LIME, ScotiaBank, ANGLEC, Best Buy Supermarket and Coral Reef Bookstore. Prizes for the participants will be distributed at a later date. Meanwhile the results listed below were announced and the participants received their certificates from Mrs Petty-Barrett.
Malliouhana Poetry Competition 2011
Group A (5-8 Years)
First Place Aysha Carty Orealia Kelly Primary
Second Place Nandi Edwards Tr. Gloria Omololu
Third Place Calum Firth Tr. Gloria Omololu
Honourable Mention Rhonica Connor Central Christian
(9-12 Years)
First Place Marley Ipinson-Fabien Orealia Kelly Primary
Second Place Krenzh Carty Orealia Kelly Primary
Third Place Avonya Reid Orealia Kelly Primary
Honourable Mention Maxwell Fleming/Anna Firth Tr.Gloria Omololu
(13-17 Years)
Special Prize Guy-Vaughn Ruan ALHCS
Special Prize Odarie Hill, Keadre Brooks, Cobie Webster TGOI
First Prize Hyacinth Hughes
Second Prize Ivenia Benjamin
Third Prize Dollynell Best
Honourable Mention Anita Ruan, Ronnie Mills
Nation Language Prizes Reuel Ben Lewi, Vanessa Croft Thompson
Much to the delight of the audience the first prize winners, and also the nation language prize winners, read their poems. According to Acting Deputy Director, Julianne Leverett,it was a fitting finale to “Reach Out 2012”. She was extremely thankful for the ‘partnering’ spirit of groups from the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School, the media, public and private sector agencies and the many persons who gave of their time and expertise. The time was appropriate to recognize and reflect on this web of support for the Library and its outreach in the community.
– Contributed