On Monday 21st May 2012, the pupils at the VivienVanterpoolPrimary Schoolwere once again recognized for demonstrating that they are ‘ great big bundles of potentiality’. This celebration dubbed ‘Kids Highlight’ is done each term during morning assembly. As the school’s motto states, ‘Each aspiring, All Achieving’, pupils were awarded for their outstanding performances for the past term. Pupils from Grades 1 to 6 received certificates and honour roll pins for Principal’s List (the attainment of 80% in all subject areas); and pupils on the Deputy Principal’s list, after attaining an average of 80%, were given certificates. Both groups will also be given a treat.

With the Positive Behaviour Plan being piloted at the school for the year, the focus was on outstanding and improved behaviour from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Pupils not only received certificates, but their names were mounted on the Principal’s Star Wall in the Office (an initiative of the school’s Behaviour Pilot Plan, which is held in high esteem). Certificates for Perfect Attendance were also given as this emphasizes an important component of success: regular school attendance. A total of 73 pupils received awards.
The Principal, staff, parents and community partners continue to instill essential values using positive language hence, positive environments. This, no doubt, will assist in developing individuals who are confident, self-disciplined and responsible. Pupils were encouraged to continue to set goals and make a conscious effort to achieve them as the final Kids Highlight ceremony for this school year will be held on Wednesday 27th June 2012.
– Press Release