The Sandy Hill Community Committee, through Mr. Jerome Roberts, has made three donations from the proceeds of a fun day and a health fair held, in observance of the birthday of Father of the Nation, Ronald Webster,last month.
Speaking at the presentation ceremony, outside the Ronald Webster Park in The Valley on Tuesday, Mr. Roberts told media representatives and the recipients that, as was indicated, the funds would go towards worthy causes in the community.

He said that, on behalf of the Committee, he was making three presentations totaling EC$3,000 to recipients, not necessarily in the East End/Sandy Hill community.
The first presentation of $763.28 was made to Erica Carter of Island Harbour. He said she was preparing her stalls for Festival Del Mar, but was robbed of various supplies. He explained, however, that her request for assistance had been received prior to that incident and, in light of the situation, the Sandy Hill Committee agreed to donate the above amount which she had requested. Mr. Roberts regretted that Ms. Carter was unable to be present.
The second presentation of $1,000 was made to Ermine Hodge, mother of Randy Hodge, who is now paralyzed as a result of a shooting incident outside the Landsome Bowl Cultural Centre.“We know it is not a huge contribution, but the Committee feels that every small donation adds up and we are in support of the family as much as possible,” Roberts stated. “The money will go towards helping in whatever way to defray some of Randy’s expenses.” The cheque was presented by Narissa Vanterpool, Secretary of the Sandy Hill Community Committee.
Meanwhile, Randy’s mother said he was receiving therapy, was doing well and in high spirits.
The third presentation of $1,236.72 was made to the Anguilla Domino Association as a thank-you gesture for being present at the fun day and health fair and to assist them with their overseas travel in the near future. Mr. Roberts presented the cheque to Diane Williams, Secretary of the Domino Association, on behalf of the President, Joseph Gumbs.