A cricket match between the Anglican andMethodistChurches, with teams representing St. Mary’s and Ebenezer in The Valley, provided much interest and entertainment for spectators, on Easter Monday, on the grounds of the Scouts and Guides Ruthwill Auditorium.
Both teams comprised a number of adult males who, in earlier times, were among the best players in local cricket. Other persons, who participated in the friendly competition, included several youngsters, some of whom are benefiting from training as part of the cricket development programmme for school children.
“The Methodists were all bowled out for 56 and Anglicans made 58 without loss, with youngRichardsonscoring 32 not out andAdams11, not out.

Bishop’s 11, 58 without loss, defeating the Methodists by 10 wickets,” reported an excited RenfordKelsick, a devout Anglican and former cricketer. Last year, Easter Monday,the Anglicans beat the Methodists in a similar cricket match.
Though the event was no different from an ordinary game of cricket, the enthusiasm and passion displayed by the youngsters gave Bishop Errol Brooks (after whom the Anglicans’ team, Bishop’s Eleven, was named) an idea. He shared it with his colleague Rev. Dunstan Richardson, Superintendent Minister of the Anguilla Methodist Circuit, and The Anguillian.
“This game can evolve into a situation where both denominations can attempt sports evangelism,” Bishop Brooks stated. “There are a lot of young people involved in the game, and we can use some of our resources to buy equipment to mould them not only to play cricket, but in terms of morals and values. It is a way forward. I think it is getting to that point. The enthusiasm is there and we need to harness it.”
Rev. Richardson quickly concurred. “I do agree with that,” he said. “I think we need to keep a tag on our young people and show them that it is not just once a year, but that we are always mindful of them, and will try to help them to take off.”
The idea is that sports evangelism can reach persons where traditional evangelism has not been so effective. Sporting events constitute a major part of the world’s culture and provide opportunities to share the mission of the Church and the teachings of the Gospel.