Her Majesty’s Prison authorities are pleased to recognise the efforts of a group of nine male prisoners who graduated from a behaviour modification course entitled “Just Think”on March 30th2012.
The course work in the “Just Think” programme focuses on demonstrating to offenders that it is their own thoughts and beliefs that lead them to behave in particular ways, and that they can overcome poor decision making by changing their beliefs and take positive steps to think before they act. The programme also teaches problem solving skills that can enable the participants to deal more effectively with everyday situations and achieve better outcomes.
The programme was facilitated by Ms Shariffa Wallace, the Prison Department’s Rehabilitation and Development Coordinator, and Rev. Lindsay Richardson, Correctional Services Counsellor.
The graduation ceremony was attended by Prison Superintendent Mr Conrad Gumbs, Dr Bonnie Richardson-Lake, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development, and His Excellency the Governor Mr Alistair Harrison, who awarded certificates to the participants.
Ms Shariffa Wallace commended the inmates for their efforts, and said, “Whilst running this course Mr Richardson and I were very impressed with the level of interest and contributionsfrom the participants, and we trust that what they have learned will continue to have a positive and long term impact in relation to their rehabilitation. Providing interventions within the custodial environment is essential in ensuring that offenders can recognise the changes that they need to make, as well as develop positive thinking skills, life skills and coping skills when returning to society. Courses like these can have a significant impact on their future. It is the role of the Sentence Planning Team to continue to assist offenders with their overall development and change, and there is more work to be done in this area with regard to delivering other types of interventions in the near future.”
Both Dr Richardson-Lake and the Governor extended further congratulations to the inmates who participated in the programme, and Mr Harrison also reminded them that education and change is an ongoing process and he wished them well in their future learning development.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)