The Opposition Leader in the Anguilla House of Assembly, the Hon. Evans McNiel Rogers, was expelled from theAtlinHarriganParliamentaryBuildingby the Speaker, the Hon. Barbara Webster-Bourne, on Monday, April 23.
His expulsion came after he had given his support to three motions for duty-free concessions moved by Chief Minister and Minister of Finance, Hubert Hughes, and then went on to complain about the hour-long delay before the commencement of the House of Assembly.
Mr. Rogers complained that he and his colleague, Othlyn Vanterpool, had been waiting in their seats while Government Members were meeting in the conference room; and some of them were also walking to and fro in the Assembly Chamber.

The unedited exchanges in the House, between him and the Speaker, which led to his expulsion, were as follows:
Opposition Leader: While on my feet, Madam Speaker, with your permission, I would just like to say how disappointed I am this morning to have been sitting here for an hour waiting on this House [to start]. And it seems as though we are going around in circles here.
I think we, as Elected Members in this Honourable House, deserve a little more respect than we are getting. And if it is as a result of Government not having to discuss what is on the agenda, or what is being put before this Honourable House, before we come to this Honourable House, Madam Speaker, we would appreciate knowing that. I know from time to time, there may be additions that may need to be dealt with…but it is becoming, Madam Speaker, a pattern. I am afraid that individuals who the public may not have known, and institutions, will always bring communications before this House and lay them down before the mics, and in front of us, and then we have to deal with them in this House. I think it is unacceptable, and I would like the Leader of Government Business and the Member for Road South, really and truly – and it is your House, Madam Speaker – to have a little more respect for us and to the people ofAnguillain dealing with the people’s business. Thank you, Madam Speaker.
Speaker: “Thank you, Member. I am not sure what you are alluding to for your final comments.
Opposition Leader: Could I….?
Speaker: Yes, I can take what you say, but I mean I am not sure why you are alluding to the Honourable Member. If you have a problem with the House, that’s my concern. Why the Member?
Opposition Leader: Could I explain?
Speaker: Sure!
Opposition Leader: Before I said the Member for Road South, I said the Leader of Government Business and I am sure, Madam Speaker, that this agenda here was discussed in Executive Council and among Cabinet memberswith you – well I shouldn’t say that, because I don’t know. The members of Executive Council and Advisers would be privy to putting this together.
Speaker: Is there something? I am trying to understand what is your point? What’s with the agenda? What is wrong with the agenda?
Opposition Leader: (Inaudible)
Speaker: “What is your question exactly, Member?
Opposition Leader: My question to the Leader of Government Business and the Member for Road South, the Chief Minister of Anguilla, Leader of Government Business in the Executive Council: When we are putting this together, this particular agenda, or the items for the agenda, if, Madam Speaker, there isn’t anything on this agenda that … [was] brought in at the last moment?It would be gracious of him to let us know.
Speaker: Are you assuming that that was the case this morning?
Opposition Leader: I don’t know.
Speaker: Well please don’t assume. You may take your seat, Member.
Opposition Leader: I can…
Speaker: “Please don’t assume. If you need an explanation as to why the House is late, you should refer your question to me. But do not assume in this Honourable House. Member, please take your seat.
Opposition Leader: You came and said you apologised…
Speaker: Yes, I apologised for the delay. If you wanted an explan…
Opposition Leader: (attempts to respond)
Speaker: Please take your seat, Member and have… You yourself need to have some respect. Please take your seat.
Opposition Leader: I am here sitting an hour and I need to…
Speaker: Member, I will refer you to Rule 48. If you do not take your seat, this is the last time I will ask you to take your seat.
Opposition Leader: You may refer me to whatever you want.
Speaker [To other Members]: Are there any other contributions? You may now do so Members.
Opposition Leader: Madam Speaker…
At this point, the Speaker again referred to Rule 48 (which the Opposition Leader asked her to read for the listening public) and told him that he was out of place. She then requested the Sergeant-at-Arms to escort Mr. Rogers from the House of Assembly.
This is the second time that Mr. Rogers was expelled from the House of Assembly by the current Speaker.