Decades ago, health was conceived as not merely the absence of disease, but ‘the presence of physical, social and mental well-being’. Well-being in this context therefore is both a tangible and intangible asset. Yes, blood pressure and cholesterol levels reflect well-being, but so does happiness and social harmony. Wellness is an asset to any people, and must be the priority of every people.
When one is whole, one has capacity; physically, mentally and in relationships. Combine capacity with creativity and the productive person is unleashed. Productivity will collaboratively be reflected in our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP) etc. The health status of a country and its’ productivity is very circular. Ill citizens make poor workers through absenteeism and lethargy, and likewise a poor economy makes ill citizens through the lack of medical services and at an extreme through starvation or death. The HIV epidemic for example has wreaked havoc in slowing the development of resource-richSouth Africa.
These scenarios though seemingly remote to our generation, need to be kept in mind. According to S.B Jones a medical doctor who wrote the book Annals of Anguilla less than one hundred years ago, “Anguillians showed signs of starvation”. Things were so bad in the decades before, the British government had offered to relocate Anguillians to fertileBritish Guiana.
We are fortunate. Things have changed for the better, much better compared to back then. Even in the midst of the worst recession since world war two, our people are healthy and still prosper. Despite unemployment, there is no talk of resettlement toGuyana. Some may be hungry at times, yet none are showing signs of starvation. Anguillians once wandered across the world for a living; today the wealthiest folk still vacation on our shores. These are ‘healthy positions’ for our nation to have.
The opportunity for much greater production is at hand. This island that once was starving is producing more and more food. Agricultural production is not just good for food security and export, but good for the farmer who is getting plenty of exercise and for the consumer who eats fresh produce rich in antioxidants and nutrients that fight cancers and heart disease. Just have a talk with Dr. Vanterpool, Mr. Roach or Ms. Rosario at the Department of Agriculture and you will be inspired by the potential, plans and practices that exist. Self employment is part of national productivity.
Remember too, Anguillians are European citizens, and Anguilla as aBritishOverseasTerritoryenjoys export privileges to one of the largest and wealthiest markets in the world, the European Union. Barriers to exports from Africa, Latin America or South East Asia do not necessarily apply to produce fromAnguilla. We must remain healthy to produce more for local, regional and international markets. This will negate the need for more taxation and dependence on foreign investment. The same principle is true for fishing, construction and other industries.
Be assured, health is wealth. The wealth of this country will be better preserved if we stay fit and robust. Each time a motor vehicle accident or heart attack creates a victim who needs to be flown to hospitals overseas we send money to foreign markets, creating revenue and jobs for them. Less sickness among us means that social security will have a stronger balance sheet. When our retired folks decide to remain active and productive, they are choosing to slow significantly, mental and physical deterioration.
It is important that we look at health at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. No individual is so small that he or she should fall between the cracks. Why not?
Well,Anguillahates classism. We are certainly an advanced society in that we care about and for our neighbors and not just ourselves. We have evolved to the point that we hold ourselves custodian to each other’s well-being. The logic of individual survival does not do well inAnguilla. It is the reason why we have good non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) that care for shut-ins, or a government that will bring national health insurance to every citizen here soon. No wonder we do not have one homeless person on this island. No wonder our children have one the longest life expectancies in the world. We are in many ways the desire of the nations.
Visionaries are going to expand our borders and make us easily visible on the map. Breakthroughs require a great deal of talent and drive. I recently attended at Pedro’s place the launch of Roxxy’s video for her song entitled Delete. I loved the concept and quality and congratulate Rickiel and the team for that excellent production. Awesome! Roxxy’s vocals, looks and persona will take her music career far beyondAnguilla. Let us wish her top ratings and busy tour dates. We also wish her and every hardworking Anguillian great health.
“Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health” 3 John vs 2.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)