The Anguilla Social Security Board has made contributions totaling US$4,430 to five groups on the island.
Deputy Chairman of the Social Security Board, Alkins Rogers, announced the cheque contributions at a press briefing on Tuesday this week. The presentations were made by Board member Jacqueline Bryan-Niles who has succeeded Dr. Aidan Harrigan.
In his introductory remarks, Mr. Rogers said that the founder of Social Security, Revolutionary Leader, Ronald Webster, had ensured that there was a mechanism, called the “Development Fund”, within the system, to provide funding for socially-desirable progammes. “Sometimes people misunderstand and think that the funds that we contribute to events are taken from the General Fund, and not from the Special Development Fund,” he stated. “I just want to make it clear that these funds were designed by Mr. Webster, many years, to go into this fund for socially-desireable programmes.”
Those organisations which received the donations (and the purposes outlined by the recipients) were as follows:
Camp Be Aware: US$5,000 received by Linda Gratton to fund camp activities in July; Festival Del Mar, US$2,830, received by OthlynVanterpool, Chairman of Festival Del Mar, for the Jeff and Russell Webster B Class Boat Race; The Anguilla Tourist Board: US$600 received by Joan Richardson to finance the ATB’s Literary Fest involving 15 students and five teachers; the Anguilla Bodybuilding Association: US$500 received by Joseph Pradel to assist Mr. Anguilla, Verdine Connor, to represent Anguilla at bodybuilding competitions; and the Anguilla Nurses Association and Health Authority: US$500, received by Nurse Christine Dupius to fund an awards ceremony scheduled for May 12, Caribbean Nurses Day.