The fishing village of IslandHarbourwill be the scene of much cultural and other activities with the celebration ofFestivalDelMar there for the fifth year.
Chairman of the Festival Committee, OthlynVanterpool, who is also the Elected Representative forIslandHarbour, spoke to The Anguillianabout the event:
“It is our fifth year ofFestivalDelMar and so far it is coming along nicely,” he stated. “We have been approaching the community and getting some useful assistance, and a lot of work is being done to put in place the various booths and other facilities. The fishermen and other persons have also been busily preparing for the event. The hype is there, and we are really looking forward to see many persons from throughout the island coming to celebrate with us our fifth anniversary.”
The Festival will begin on Saturday morning, April 7, with the deep-sea fishing competition, followed by the model boat race and kiddies fishing competition. In the afternoon, at about one o’clock, will be the Jeff and Russell Webster Memorial B-Class Boat Race, starting atIslandHabourBayand travelling down toBlackGardenBayand back. At about 4.30 will be the weighing of fish for the fishing competition. The official opening ceremony will be at 6 pm at the stage atIslandHarbour. This will be followed by the distribution of prizes for the day’s competitive events. The Veto Band and Friends will provide music for the festival until 11 pm.
On Sunday morning, April 8, will be the Optimist Dinghy Race; a swimming competition to Scilly Cay and back. At 2 pm: the Elliott Webster Memorial Boat Race Sandy Ground toIslandHarbour. During the day will be the culinary competition various cultural foods will be on display and sale. “This will start at about noon and is creating quite a lot of buzz,” Mr. Vanterpool reported.
Other activities in the afternoon include a volleyball knockout male and female competition at theIslandHarbourbeach. The closing and prize-giving ceremony will be at about 6.30. Later in the evening, at about 8.30, will be the presentation of the feature artistes for the Festival’s fifth anniversary: Patricia Ross and Ben Jax,from St. Kitts, to take the event into the night.
“We know that people are looking forward to a grand time and hope it will be an enjoyable occasion for everyone,” Mr. Vanterpool said.