It is with mixed feelings that I take my leave from the tiny nation ofAnguilla. My contract as the Head of the joint Financial Crime Investigation Unit & Financial Intelligence Unit concluded March 31, 2012 . As I depart, I am reminded of all the wonderful friendships and acquaintances that I’ve made here onAnguilladuring the past forty four (44) months. Anguilla will always be a very special place, as I head back toCanadato open the next chapter of my life.
I would like to pass along my sincere thanks to Mr. Rudolph Proctor, Commissioner of the Royal Anguilla Police Force and his management team, as well as to the Governor of Anguilla, Mr. Alistair Harrison, for their unwavering support in the ongoing quest to combat financial ‘white collar’ crime, corruption and money laundering in this seemingly tranquil oasis. NotwithstandingAnguilla’s tiny size and peaceful appearance, there continues to be much work ahead, as in every nation, territory or region. There are those who will always be motivated by greed and to living off the proceeds of crime and to taking advantage of their position in life at a severe cost to those much less fortunate.
To this task, I leave behind a small but well qualified team of financial crime investigators (police officers) who are arguably among the best in theCaribbeanregion. I am confident they will continue to serve the people ofAnguillain an exceptional manner and in accordance with internationally accepted standards. These bright young officers are Detective Sergeant Horace Edwards, Detective Constable Derrick Griffith and Detective Constable Ferzandee Olivacce.
As I return to my homeland, my only regret is that I leave behind much unfinished work; but that is simply and plainly the reality of financial crime investigations in this day and age. To those who understand the insidious nature of corruption and to whom the burden will fall to continue the ongoing fight, I wish them the full support of those for whom they toil. Remember, societies are a work in progress and change is often slow, but in the end, good will come to those who persevere in the belief that crime and corruption shall not prevail!
To all I have come to know, I offer my sincere gratitude and thanks for the time we’ve had together. ToAnguillaand its wonderful people “May the wind always be on your back and the sun upon your face and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.”
Andy Arsenault