The Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry has made its first donation to the food barrels, placed at various supermarkets, for grocery contributions by shoppers to assist needy families in the community.
The Chamber’s donation was made at J W. Proctor’s Supermarket in The Quarter where one of the barrels has been placed. Executive Director of the Chamber, Wilma Broaden, said the groceries were provided for persons who were suffering. She also noted that a number of small businesses had closed operations due to the downturn in the economy and the financial hardship they were experiencing.

“I am asking all persons in the community who are suffering to go by the Hope Centre [at Sandy Hill] and collect food baskets for your families.” She added that the Chamber had a social and corporate responsibility to the community and had therefore become involved in the food barrel donations.
Pastor Gareth Hodge, one of the principals at Hope Centre, thanked the Chamber and the President for their concern. “Right now, the Hope Centre is actually partnering with the AXA Cares Food Bank which is an island-wide food distribution bank. We are really grateful that you have chosen to come on board,” he stated. “We have barrels at a number of supermarkets aroundAnguillaand we will be placing others in different locations. All the food is taken to one central location and then re-boxed and distributed to families that are in real need. We understand that there are other community agencies that are doing the same thing, but we don’t want to duplicate that effort.”
Pastor Hodge said that Elected Representative for District 1, OthlynVanterpool, was assisting in theIslandHarbourandEast Endcommunities. “It is a community programme, and not a political programme,” he exphasised, “and we thank God for all those who have been helping.” He reported that most of the money being received, to purchase the food, was coming from the expatriate community, and he also thanked all Anguillians for supporting the initiative.
Mr. Vanterpool said the AXA Cares FoodBank and the Hope Centre were a combination of sponsorsin theIslandHarbourandEast Endcommunities. “We are overwhelmed by requests from individuals who are in need. The food will be distributed to the most-needy persons and I know it will go quite a long way to assist our people.” He said more names were being added to the list of persons receiving assistance. He looked forward to other donors joining in contributing to the cause.
Treasurer of the Chamber, Felicia Hill, was delighted that despite the economic crisis more and more businesses were becoming members of the Chamber of Commerce. “This year we have decided to step out of the box. Our mission is service, and we know that the economic crisis has affected quite a number of persons in the community,” she said. “We feel that if they cannot eat or drink, we wouldn’t have any businesses – so we have decided to step out of the box to ensure that members of theAnguillapublic who are less fortunate can eat, drink and be merry, just like everyone else.”
Executive Board member, Dr. Louis Bardfield, joined his Chamber colleagues in saying that he was extremely happy to be able to support the food barrel project.