Tuesday 10 April 2012: Clovis Williams, Sawinder Singh Bassi, Jose Castro, Leonard Duncan and Edward Abraham are the latest lucky winners in the LIME and Unique Trading March Madness promotion held at Unique Trading on Saturday 7 April 2012.
Clovis Williams is now the proud owner of an LG 620 Smartphone while Mr Singh Bassi won a computer desk and Mr Abrahams a gift basket. Still to collect their prizes are Mr Lenoard Duncan who won a table lamp and Jose Castro who won a tool kit and tools.
With just a few more days to go, customers still have a chance to be a part of the Unique Trading anniversary celebrations. The well stocked supermarket partnered with LIME during March and April to bring customers many opportunities to win household appliances, food baskets, mobile phones and much more.
The grand draw of the March Madness Promotion will be held on Saturday 14 April 2012 at Unique Trading at 10:30am. The grand prizes are a Qipai motorbike, a Gree Air-conditioning Unit, a Jinling Washing Machine and a Blackberry Smartphone.

LIME customers who top-up at the main office or any LIME agent still have a chance to enter the grand draw once they deposit their top-up receipts in one of two drop boxes located at Unique Trading or LIME. All customers who deposited their receipts in one of the drop boxes over the past four weeks also have a chance to win one of the grand prizes.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)