Anguilla’s Revolutionary Leader, Ronald Webster, is to present one thousand booklets his reflections on the revolution to school children on the island.
The printing and delivery of the 18-page booklet was arranged by Gary Rodrigues, Producer with Pyrate Motion Picture Company in Massachusetts, who is also producing a film on the Anguilla Revolution.
The booklet is entitled: “A Time To Stand Up For Your Rights…A Time To Say No”. Subtitles are “Reflections On The Anguilla Revolution” and “A Vision For The Future.” The publication provides glimpses of Mr. Webster’s early life, involvement in the revolution and a chronology of some of the events leading up to, and after, the expulsion of the St. Kitts Police and Anguilla’s taking control of its own affairs.
“Let us rejoice over the good things we have accomplished and count our blessings that we had the courage to stand up for our rights and the strength to say no,” Webster wrote. “It is my earnest prayer that such sentiments that worked so successfully for our struggle…may again work for us in these times of …rapid development.” In stating his vision, he wrote in part: “Let us seriously reflect on where we have come from, and what we would like to become in this 21st century and beyond.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Rodrigues said he was delighted to work on Webster’s booklet. “I came to Anguilla this time for the Ronald Webster Holiday,” he stated, several days ago. “My wife and I had a thousand books for school children in support of the holiday. Mr. Webster contacted me and asked if I could help get these booklets printed. It was my pleasure to help the children of Anguilla to pick up some more nuggets of history that seem to bypass their learning.”
Mr. Rodrigues said was working hard on getting his movie project off the ground. “We are making great progress. Cape Air just put a feature article in its new inflight magazine and we are speaking to a number of actors. I am reluctant to name some of the actors, but they are of the Denzil Washington and Viola Davis type of calibre…, and it is just a matter of pulling together the last remnants of funding before we can [give the] green light the movie.
“It is really about Anguilla’s revolutionary story of Ronald Webster, Atlin Harrigan and the other Anguillian heroes,” Rodrigues added.