Have you ever stopped to think about the many people and things that we usually take for granted? If no, why not do so right now. Ask yourself, what are some of those things and people I am taking for granted? What would life be like without them? Search your heart! You may be surprised. You see, the answer to these questions may reveal to you that you have a lot to be thankful for that you are not aware of.
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy to forget about God and all He has blessed us with. We sometimes take Him, and the things He has given us, for granted without realizing it before it is too late. However, when we stop and think about them, we will see that He deserves our thanks and praise.
To take things for granted simply means, to expect someone or something to be always available to serve in some way without thanks or recognition; to value someone or something too lightly; to not show that you are grateful to someone for helping you, often because he/she has helped you or been with you so often.
Think for a moment, what life would be like without the sun, moon, stars, clouds, rain, electricity, neighbours, friends, relatives, animals, plants, schools, hospitals and places of worship? What would life be like without our basic needs being met? Don’t we usually take some of these for granted? We just expect them to be there whenever we are in need of them. We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
Here are some other things and people we often take for granted:
Our Children: They are our gifts from God. We need to love and care for them and bring them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Soon they will be all grown up and suddenly they are gone.
Our Parents: When we were growing up they took care of us – but when they become old, some of us do not see the need to care for them, then suddenly they are gone.
Our Spouse or Partner: We fail to realize the importance and uniqueness of our spouses or partners and what they contribute to our lives. Most times we realize that only when they are snatched by death.
Our Health: The fact that we can see, walk, talk, smell and hear is usually taken for granted until we are unable to do so. The ability to do things for ourselves, the power of our minds, the usefulness of our organs, the ability of our arms and legs, hands and feet are also taken for granted at times. We need to realize that every minute aspect of our health is important and we need to take better care of our health before it is too late.
Time: We fail to realize that time is precious. It waits on no man. It is swiftly moving on whether we believe it or not. We spend too much time procrastinating, complaining and arguing rather than loving and supporting each other. Let us begin to use time wisely.
Life: We have a tendency to take life for granted. We think when we sleep we will wake up but that is not a guarantee. We need to realize that life is a gift. We need to value life more. We need to cherish it and be thankful for each moment that is being given to us. We need to be thankful for the abundance that is all around us on a daily basis.
Our Island: We seem to be taking the state of affairs of our island for granted. Are we forgetting the sacrifices of our forebears? The things that we now enjoy came with a struggle and therefore should not be taken for granted. Are we forgetting the values and norms that our forefathers taught us? Decency and honesty are the hallmarks of a progressive society. Above all we need to love God and to love our fellowman.
God’s Creation: We tend to take God’s creation and the Creator for granted. Take time to admire and treasure the beauty and usefulness of all of God’s creation: the earth, the sky, trees, flowers, birds, beaches, the animals etc. They make a significant contribution to our lives. Never forget to give thanks to our Creator each day. One of the best ways to make sure you are not taking God for granted is to make yourself available to be used by Him.
The shed Blood of Jesus Christ: Many of us take God’s Blood for granted. We fail to realize that without God’s blood, we would die in our wretchedness. He paid the price for our sins by dying on the cross. He died that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Let us not fail in thanking God for His blood. Let us never take it for granted.
So, how do we stop ourselves from taking all of these wonderful and varied pleasures and blessings for granted? We do this by imagining what life would be like if they were gone. Think about how we would feel if we could no longer talk to someone we love or experience something we love. And then, think about how truly fortunate we are that we have so much in our lives to be happy about so that we can begin to appreciate everything and everyone.
We should not allow ourselves to get so caught up in our hectic lives that we forget to take time out each day to stop and reflect upon our blessings. We are all on a never ending adventure through life, but if we do not enjoy the journey we will be missing out on the essence of the trip and all of the pleasures and blessings along the way.
So my friend: slow down, close your eyes, take a deep breath, then open your eyes and really look at all that you may be missing that is right in front of you, and give thanks.