Are you one of those persons who like to say things like- “I can’t, or that won’t work” most of the time when you are asked to do something? Well if you are one of them or are not sure, it is time to start paying close attention to what you say – you may be alarmed by how often you say things like ‘I can’t’ or ‘that won’t work.’ Without realizing it, you are limiting yourself and closing your mind to the possibilities that might be available.
The mind is a powerful tool. It is capable of producing wonderfully amazing results if you allow it to. However, all too often, we place limits on the power of the mind because of the words we use and the commands we feed into it.
You see, although the mind is capable of great results, it will function according to the type of input it receives, or how it is programmed. So, when we say, ‘I can’t’ the mind will treat that input as a command of sorts and the ‘I can’t’ attitude becomes reality. It works the same for other negative words or phrases.
Instead of slamming the door shut on a world of possibilities, give yourself a chance by using different phrases and letting your mind go to work for you.
For example, when you stop saying ‘I can’t’ and start using the phrase ‘how can I?’ you are giving your mind a task to perform. The mind will go to work attempting to answer that question and provide you with possible solutions.
What are some of those things you say to yourself that you can’t do? Make a list of them and write beside each one the question – How can I? For instance instead of saying “I can’t find a job. Ask yourself – What can I do instead? How can I make money? This will generate lots of ideas. Some good, some bad. The point is the possibilities are endless. You are no longer limited in your thinking. Isn’t that amazing?
Here are some examples of reprogramming your mind by asking your mind for solutions: Are you ready to hear them? Well, listen up:-
Instead of saying – ‘I can’t do that.’, Say ‘How can I do that?’
Instead of saying – ‘I can’t become’, Say ‘How can I become?’
Instead of saying- ‘I can’t afford to do/go/have’, Say ‘How can I afford to do/go/have?’
How do you feel having said those things? Haven’t new ways of asking beginning to bring loads of ideas into your mind? Amazing isn’t it?
Okay, here are some specific examples:
Instead of saying ‘I can’t pay my bills,’ say ‘how can I pay at least one (or two) of my bills this month?’
Instead of saying ‘I can’t afford to get a new car,’ say ‘how can I afford to get a good second hand car?’
Instead of saying ‘I will never be successful with a home business,’ say ‘How can I be successful with a home business such as backyard gardening, cooking, baking, sewing etc?’
You see, it really helps to ask the questions with a positive attitude and truly believe that possible solutions will be provided.
Any possible solution that your mind provides you with could be a simple idea that slowly takes shape, it may strike you like a bolt of the blue, or it could wake you out of a sound sleep, in which case you should jot it down at once. The solution may even be something you have seen or thought about before, but now you are seeing it with a new perspective.
It is exciting when you realize that the unlimited creative power of your mind has been hard at work coming up with solutions to the questions you ask of it.
The solution or solutions may come within a matter of moments or it could be days before one appears. The important thing is to recognize it as a possible solution and decide if it is a good answer to the question of ‘how can I?’
Once you have the answer, take action! Remember – “Limits exist only in the mind”