Mr. Elkin A Richardson
North Side
29th February 2012
Mr. Fritz Smith
Chairman Anguilla United Front Party
The Valley
Dear Sir:
As Chairman of the Anguilla United Front Party, I would like to place on record my concerns on statements made at the recently held political meeting in Island Harbour by the Anguilla United Front Party. I note with much displeasure the comments made by the former chief minister Mr. Osborne Fleming when he referred to our present leader Mr. Hubert Hughes as a karront. He made reference of two leaders who fitted the category of a liar. He said Sadam was king liar the first, Kadaffi was king liar the second and Mr. Hughes is king liar the third. We are all aware of how those two leaders were ousted from power and ultimately met their death The remarks by Mr. Fleming could have serious consequences for us here in this country. Is he alluding to the fact that our present leader may have to suffer the same fate like the other leaders?
We who are older can remember the late politician referred to one of our now retired politicians as a man who speaks with two sides of his mouth. However, our young people may not view him in that light. I am therefore calling on you as leader of the party to impress on all your speakers at rally’s and political meetings to avoid personal character assassinations and therefore request of you that Mr. Fleming publicly apologize to the leader of this country for his statements made last the public meeting in Island Harbour.
The word of God declares “When sentence against an evil word is not executed speedily the heart of man becomes wicked”. Mr. Richardson is the host and producer of the ‘To the Point Program’ and is also the producer of the gospel program Voice in the Wilderness held every Sunday at 3 pm on Klass Fm 92.9 Radio.
Mr. Richardson would also like through this medium to request of the speaker of parliament to exercise fairness at all times in the House of Assembly.
To be copied to the media.
Elkin A. Richardson