Domino Tournament which was held over the weekend of the 10th and 11th March at Netta’s Bar
8 Teams took part, Grillers, Stars, K9, Warriors, Garage Boyz, Police and Nature Boys.
The 1st night closed with the Stars and Warriors tied at 27 points each. They had played 3 games each and won all three (3).
It was very, very, tense the 1st night. No one wanted to give anything away, with some teams getting upset if they lost, but then hey that’s Dominoes!
The Warriors went home and slept peacefully and came back the next day ready to roll again.
Our 1st game was against the Police, but the Police forefit the game so the Warriors got the points.
We then played Lions and K9 which we won both games.
In between you would hear the President Roland and his Namesake call out!! Then not forgetting James and Kenneth who played like true gentlemen also calling out.
Now bearing in mind the Stars still rubbing head to head with the Warriors.
Our last and final game was against the Stars again a very tense game. Diane and Freeman of the Stars they were punching all day.
The games was tied at 7-7 then Clinton and Badger brought in game no. 8 and final winning game was brought in by Travis and Shandette (Travis our Youngest Vice Captain and also he Captained the team for the weekend)
Here are the Results in reverse order Garage Boyz 24, Police 45, Nature Boys 46, K9 48, Grillers 48, Lions 54, Stars 61 and Warriors 63.
Well done Warriors !
There was a trophy for Best Pair and that went to Diane and Freeman from the Stars with 15 Wins
2nd was Badger and Clinton (Warriors) with 14 wins and 3rd Place was a tied between Roxie and Cordell from Grillers and Captain Nat and Dougall with 12 Wins.
All in all a good weekend was had by all and thanks to all the teams that took part.
Thanks to Netta for all her hard work to ensure that this tournament was a success.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)