Technocrats in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, and representatives of a number of funding agencies, undertook a review of the Anguilla Government’s Medium Term Economic Strategy 2010-2014 at the Teachers’ Resource Centre on Wednesday this week.
Permanent Secretary, Finance, Foster Rogers, said that throughout the day participants would receive information on Anguilla’s achievements, challenges and future plans with regard to the following national development goals: Restoring economic stability; stimulating sustainable and diversified economic growth; supporting social development protection and reducing environmental vulnerability.

Mr. Rogers recognised the sterling leadership of, and assistance provided by, and through, Anguilla’s regional development partners. He named them as being the Caribbean Development Bank for funding the island’s Sustainable Tourism Master Plan and Policy-based Loan; the European Union for budgetary support through the EDF; the ECCB for the Eight Point Stabilisation Growth Programme, regulation and short-term funding.
Chief Minister and Minister of Finance, Hubert Hughes, said it was little over a year since the last meeting to report on the medium term strategy. According to him, it was developed as a response to the negative impacts in the advent of the global economic crisis. “The impacts continue, but so too are our efforts to thwart them,” he stated.
Mr. Hughes thanked the Government’s development partners – the European Union, Caribbean Development Bank and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank – for their continued support.

Following the opening ceremony, a number of technocrats in the Anguilla Public Service delivered presentations which covered various aspects of public sector performance. There were also presentations by representatives of funding agencies as well as interactive sessions.
The strategic review, which began at 8.30 a.m. continued until 4.00 p.m.