Our tiny island made a big roar during the New York Times Travel Show held at theJacobJavitzCenterinNew York Cityon March 2-4, 2012. The event was a spectacular international celebration withAnguillaalways being a crowd pleaser and eclectic hotspot. She charmed the attention of thousands of consumers and travel trade by capitalizing on the recently aired HGTV series: House Hunters International.., shot on location throughout the 35 square mile island paradise. Home hunters and their real estate agents chose amongst three architectural styles and work and narrowed their selection down to one particular home – Spy Glass Villa.

Attracting the attention of countless consumers,Anguillawas one of the busiest and most visited booths during the show. Visitors at the booth were introduced to a variety of activities. Live prize trip giveaways from the supporting hoteliers which includes Cap Juluca, Cuisinart Golf Resort and Spa, Viceroy Anguilla, Anguilla Great House, Anacaona Boutique Hotel, Paradise Cove Resort, Carimar Beach Club; a live jazz musician and a three-hour kiddie corner face painting section. Mouth – watering branded Anguillian cupcakes were circulated amongst our visitors to the booth. Our visitors got a chance to explore and acquire a clearer geographic sense ofAnguillaby engaging with our newly created animated map of the destination. Anguilla Travel Connoisseur booking stations were available to help plan their next visit toAnguilla.
The Anguilla Tourist Board showcasedAnguilla’s history through the recently filmed “Nuttin Baffling”, created by Mr. David Carty. This element tied in to the Moroccan architectural booth appeal of Anguilla’s structural design unique to Anguilla and like no other in theCaribbean.

Quick response coding was embedded unto the brochure collateral and booth signage for the purpose of capturing consumer data on the spot. This tracking: marketing metric Portal allowed: access to the data (Available 24/7); view as raw data in Excel or as graphical representations; capture: Time and Date stamp, make/model and operating system of mobile device, IP address, URL access method (Scan QR Code, URL Entered into Phone’s Browser, URL Entered into Desktop Browser); disseminated personalized email to participants, coupled with the option of sharing such content via facebook and twitter.
Marie Walker, Director of North America stated that “The New York Times show continues to be one of our most popular consumer events each year and this year Anguilla saw a significant interest in destination weddings, incentive requests and family vacations for villas among other resort options”.
Hailed as the largest consumer and trade travel event of its kind, the New York Times Travel Show features different regions of the world including Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and theUnited States. The 2012 show attracted significant numbers over the three day event. The show generated a distinctive representation of the world’s leading tourism markets and greeted travelers and industry professionals to the jam-packed weekend.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)