The Anguilla Beautification Club (ABC) Flower and Garden Show received much praise from the many persons who visited last weekend. Speaking at the opening Minister of Home Affairs, Walcott Richardson, commended the Club for the work that it is doing. He said that inAnguillaand worldwide there is an ongoing awareness of the importance and significance of plants and flowers. He said that they not only add beauty to homes, offices and resorts but are therapeutic and healthy.
The Minister said that there are many beautiful gardens on the island and he drew attention to vegetable gardens and to the Department of Agriculture that shows the beauty of fruit and vegetables as well. He encouraged young people to start growing vegetables and suggested it should be on the school curriculum. He said that the Government is committed to the idea of a botanical garden and hopes this will soon come about. In conclusion, he thanked the ABC for keeping the interest in gardening alive and congratulated all the winners.

Governor Alistair Harrison said he was pleased to attend his third Flower Show. He noted that beautifying the island is quite a task and althoughAnguillahas beautiful beaches the population has to assist in beautifying the inland areas.
President of the ABC, Patricia Beard, said it was a lot of hard work but a relief to have reached the day of the Show. She urged everyone to getAnguillaup to par and to use the economic recession to get back to the land. She hoped that everyone would enjoy the Show and purchase the calendars which are a new feature for the Club, and shows some of the island’s gardens. She also noted there were hammocks on sale as well as plants, craft work, vegetables and garden supplies.
Chair of the organizing committee, Rona Hodge, welcomed those present to the 13th Annual Flower and Garden Show under the theme “Anguilla’s Garden Life.” She encouraged visitors to see the primary school garden displays, the entries for the competition in Wallblake House, the garden displays, the plants for sale, the arts and craft and the other attractions. She introduced the feature speaker, Joyce Kentish-Egan, who she described as coming from a family that has always supported the ABC, and a person of many talents who is very creative and has a passion for the soil.
Joyce Kentish-Egan spoke on the theme “Anguilla’s Garden Life.” She recalled past years of her parents and grandparents when the ground or garden was the source of life inAnguilla. She said that the ground dictated the rhythms of life and supported the basic needs of survival. Increasingly, people over the years are taking pride in plants and flowers, but Joyce said she is pleased to note the young entrepreneurial farmers who are growing produce again and returning to the ground.
The winner of the Best Garden Competition was Meridith Gumbs and the winner of theBestVegetableGardenwas Nathaniel Hodge. CuisinArt won the Garden Display andCentralChristianSchoolwon the best garden. The Jamida Award for the Best in Show went to Lorin Richardson with his depiction of a peacock made from leaves with a flowing tail of flowers.
In the various arrangements of flowers and plants, Janice Richardson and Onita Fleming each won three first places. Vincia Gumbs came first twice and other first place winners included Lorin Richardson, Ruth Niles, Olivia Olivacie, Meridith Gumbs and Inez Mussington.
The display by young competitors under the age of 18 was very impressive. Kamicha Rey gained two first places, and other top winners included Denzi Nabi, Twayna Thomas, Kadeeshya McDonna, Avern Gumbs, Rashima Webster, Alliethea Richardson, Cordane Richardson, Kelleana Fleming, Bradley Levons and Kelly Fleming.
The art competition for students of theAlbenaLakeHodgeComprehensiveSchoolwas won by Canita Ruan who received a Digicel cell phone and art supplies. Second place went to Maria Hughes who won a Digicel phone, and third to Karissa Proctor who won art supplies.
The raffle prize of US$150 to be spent at Viceroy was won by Aston Brooks. Jill Magee took the second prize which was a hammock.