Long-time fisherman, Sam Webster, is still counting his blessings and those of his mate, Merit Hodge, in that they were rescued from a fishing expedition that went wrong on Thursday, February 9.
They had travelled some 23 miles east ofScrubIslandto pull their pots when, at about 3.30 p.m, both engines refused to start, he reported. Using his personal satellite tracking device, which he received from his brother,Griffin, four years ago, when he was first lost at sea, he was able to transit a message for help.
Another brother, Lyndon, who resides inFlorida, received the message (in less than one minute) and soon a search was in progress involving boats manned by a number of friends and an aircraft owned by Avery Thomas of Anguilla Air Services.

Sam Webster and Merit Hodge were picked up with the aid of the satellite tracking device which had transmitted their location. Sam is grateful to the Fabian brothers for their quick response and for tugging his boat Try Hard to shore at 10.30 that night; to Keith Harrigan and crew, Vaughn Rogers who contacted Aubrey Smith of Sky King Radio; to Roland (Booker) Rogers, Avery Thomas, the Island Harbour community and all persons, from throughout the island, who waited for long hours at the Island Harbour Beach for his return.
Sam, who experienced the mishap just one day after being involved in a handover ceremony of safety equipment for fishermen by Social Security, wants the Government to make it mandatory for fishermen to acquire satellite tracking devices similar to his. According to him, the cost of one is less that the price of fuel for one of his fishing expeditions.
The mishap has run him into some expense, however. He was obliged to purchase two new engines as he was advised in St. Maarten that the two he had were burnt out.