Door-to-door invitations, flyers in mailboxes, radio ads, an island-wide gospel-cade and a mobile loud speaker over the weeks announced Good News Gospel Explosion 2012 which was officially launched on Friday, February 10, 2012. Under the management of Pastor Virgil Sams and his team of theSeventh-dayAdventistChurch, Good News Gospel Explosion 2012 is slated to make a difference in Anguilla and fromAnguillato the rest of the world.
The large tent that surfaces each year for about 6 to 8 weeks is a now iconic Seventh-day Adventist fare throughout theCaribbeanand other parts of the world. This one sits opposite Lime Office in The Valley, and the nightly services are delivered by the internationally renowned Evangelist Claudius Morgan PhD and are streamed live to the rest of the world via the worldwide web: www.adventist.ai

Known as Samaritan during his heyday as a Calypsonian and crowned Junior Calypso King, a title won twice in his homeland, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Evangelist Claudius Morgan is on a different Samaritan mission: to rescue men and women, boys and girls who have been beaten up and beaten down by sin. And true to his naming, he has traversed a few continents to bring the goods news that brings life, light and hope: North America, Europe and Africa and nowAnguilla.
Not only are sermons preached, they are sung and expressed in dance, and the formality of Biblical King James’ English is transposed into the beauty of simple, everyday parlance to make the gospel accessible and its truths beautiful and practical. In the Evangelist’s own words, “I preach to people’s hearts and minds”.

Except for Mondays and Thursdays, nightly services are held at 7:00 p.m. This Friday evening the topic is Spiritual Genetics and on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m.: Who Determines Whether you Live or Die?
All are invited.
– Press Release