The Italia, the new up-market restaurant at the 5-star CuisinArt Golf Resort, was the venue for the formal Dinner, Ball and Award Ceremony which climaxed Police Week and the observance of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Royal Anguilla Police Force on Saturday, January 28.
The welcome address was delivered to the guests in the packed restaurant by Inspector Marva Brooks, Chairperson of the Police Week activities. She said, on behalf of Police Commissioner, Rudolph Proctor, and all other ranks of the Force, that it was a pleasure to see so many persons in attendance whoturned out to enjoy a delightful evening and to support the Police.

Among the guests were Governor and Mrs. Alistair Harrison, Deputy Governor and Mrs. Stanley Reid; High Court Judge, Madam Louise Brenman; Senior Magistrate, Ivenia Benjamin; Magistrate Keithly Benjamin (former Police Commissioner); Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Weekes; Opposition Leader, Evan Rogers; and members of the Worcester City Police Club and the British Virgin Islands Police Team (both of which participated in the 20-20 cricket tournament, one of the activities of Police Week); and guests from a cross-section of the Anguillian community. The Anguilla Government was not represented.
During the course of the event, five former top Police officials were presented with plaques by Commissioner Rudolph Proctor for their years of dedicated service.

Those awarded were former Commissioners Joseph Norris Payne, who served in the Royal Anguilla Police Force from 1972-1990; Mitchell Harrigan,from 1980-2003; andKeithly Benjamin from 1979-2010; former Deputy Commissioner, Illidge Richardson, who served in the Force from 1977- 2009); and Superintendent Carl Ruan, who was a Police Officer from 1972-2008.
Another matter which was dealt with the dinner and awards ceremony, was the drawing of raffles held as part of Police Week. The results of the drawing for the three prizes, supervised by Carl Ruan, were as follows: first prize: a 2012 Ford Explorer Jeep (valued at US$40,000) won by Mervin Esdaille of Blowing Point on ticket number 4829; second prize:

US$1,200 won by George Hodge, holder of ticket number 1408; and 3rd prize: US$600 won by Mitchell Harrigan, ticket number 0959.
The winning numbers were drawn from a total of 4,999 tickets which were printed.
There were two bands at the function. Onewas the Police Community Band which performed at the playing of the NationalAnthem and God Bless Anguilla. The other wasBoss and the Horse PowerBand which provided music for the Dinner and Ball.

There were many positive comments about the event which was an enjoyable experience for all in attendance.