| Government and Private Sector representatives |
Vice President of AHTA, Delroy Lake, who chaired the proceedings, and gave the welcome, stressed the importance of tourism which, he pointed out, was a key factor in the development of the economy. He said everyone had an important role to play in safeguarding the industry and contributing to its success.
 | Some of the Awardees |
The presentation of the awards was preceded by two addresses from Governor Alistair Harrison and Parliamentary Secretary, Tourism, Haydn Hughes; and interspersed by announcements of various prizes won by a number of ticket holders.
 | Invited guests |
The Governor spoke about the need for all persons and services to team up to provide the necessary support for the tourism industry, and to facilitate the arrival and stay of visitors on the island. He disclosed that the Anguilla Government and the Port Authority were currently having discussions with outside consultants on a plan to improve access by sea. He said the British Government would do everything to facilitate the plan once it was agreed, and hoped that the talks would soon bear fruit.
 | Kathy Haskins, Hotelier of the Year receiving award from Kerwin Jn. Baptiste and Sherille Hughes |
The Governor said the recently-drawn and approved Sustainable Tourism Master Plan, paid for by his office, was good news for Anguilla. He paid tribute to Jasmin Garraway and her team and the Consultants from Ireland. He said it was an ambitious but attainable plan with a target growth of 7.5% for tourism over the next ten years. “The plan makes clear that, at that rate of growth, the hotel and villa rooms already on the island, and the ones already in train, will be sufficient,” he stated. “We don’t need any more hotel rooms until 2021 on that growth target which, as I say, is ambitious but attaimnable.”
 | 2010 Hotelier of the Year Dr. Hughes and Mrs. Hughes |
Mr. Harrison was pleased that the latest news provided by William Tacon, Liquidator for Cap Juluca, to Executive Council was that the hotel now had enough working capital to keep it open into the main tourist season and beyond. He also noted that this financial position should give the resort sufficient time for restructuring to assure its long-term future. Governor Harrison also said that EXCO should soon conclude a MoU with Mr. Rizzuto to re-launch the golf course which he said was in great shape for the new season. He paid particular tribute to Gary Thulander and his team at Cap Juluca who kept the golf course open for two years on a shoestring budget. Parliamentary Secretary, Haydn Hughes, laid much stress for marketing funds to further promote and develop the industry and for increasing attention to be paid to the development of human resources. “We have talked for many years about under-study programmes here in Anguilla,” he observed. “We have bright young Anguillians who want to aspire to become General Managers of hotels, but who don’t get the opportunity to do so…because when they go for interviews they are told they are too qualified.” Mr. Hughes stated there was “a need for every individual in Anguilla to understand the importance of tourism – from the porter to the ferryboat operator, the taxi-driver, customs and immigration.” He emphasised: “In order for us to rise we have to grow our way. People will always have the need for travel so we need to invest more dollars to let people know that there is a place called Anguilla, so that they can come to the island, invest their money and keep the engine [of growth] running.” The Parliamentary Secretary said he was happy that the Government of Anguilla was pursuing some strong and bold initiatives to accomplish that. As regards the awards, Margaret Reid was named Seaport Employee of the Year and Deborah Connor, Airport Employee of the Year, both sponsored by First Caribbean International Bank; Melinda Goddard, of Anguilla Pride, won Allied Member of the Year and her award was sponsored by Cap Juluca.The first of two Pioneer Awards went to the late Jack Wigley,an early tourism investor,who established a villa development at Sandy Hill and Happy Jacks Restaurant at Shoal Bay. The second award was to former Director of Tourism, Amelia Vanterpool-Kubisch. They were both introduced by Director of Tourism, Candis Niles. The Restaurant of the Year Award was presented to Sandbar Restaurant at Road Bay. The winner of Villa Member of the Year was Jacquie Pascher of Island Dream Properties. The Media Personality of the Year, a new award this year, was won by Nat Hodge of The Anguillian. The sponsor was Anguilla Air Express. The award for Employee of the Year went to Travis Simpson of Viceroy, sponsored by the National Bank of Anguilla. Other nominees were Eugene Hodge, Roberta Hughes and Terrence Rogers. The winner of the Supervisor of the Year Award was Susan Brooks of Frangipani whose award was also sponsored by NBA. Other nominees were Patricia Bryan of Cap Juluca; Kendra Gadjidar of CuisinArt Resort & Spa; and Lennox Carty of Viceroy. The much-anticipated Hotelier of the Year Award was won by Kathy Haskins, Managing Director of Shoal Bay Villas. The award, sponsored by Scotiabank, was presented by Managing Director of Scotiabank (Anguilla) Ltd., Kerwin Jean Baptist, and Sherille Hughes, President of the Anguilla Hotel and Tourism Association. |